Time to restock the pantry!

Brett Bellmore

New member
Just read this:


"SWABI: Smallpox epidemic spreading in Swabi

By Muqaddam Khan

SWABI, June 8: The smallpox epidemic is rapidly spreading in these parts of the province, but the district health department has failed to take any step to contain this deadly disease, Dawn learnt here on Saturday.

It has been reported from different parts of the Swabi district that a large number of children have suffered from smallpox, but the authorities concerned have failed to take any action to prevent this disease or immunize the people against it.

Smallpox is a fatal disease which causes high fever, leaves permanent marks on the skin and spreads very fast. Timely treatment and precautionary measures are vital for controlling this malady.

A health official said that the dilemma of the people was that they were not aware of the danger aspects of this ailment as the children suffering from it have neither been kept in isolation nor properly treated. And this resulted in the spread of the virus.

In most of the cases, the children of a family or those living close to each other, contract it at one and the same time.

The residents of Naro Banda, a rural area in the district, told this correspondent that a majority of the children in the village had suffered from smallpox a few years back. "My two brothers, Shams and Akhtar, have been afflicted by smallpox and I have appealed to the officials concerned, but they did not bother either to visit the area or take steps for controlling it," said Mukhtaj Ahmad of Naro Banda."

If this report is true, then the terrorists almost certainly have smallpox available to them, and the Bush administration's policy of not permitting civilian vaccination for this disease has just graduated from foolish to treasonously reckless. Since they won't let me get vaccinated, only thing to do is make sure the pantry is fully stocked, so I can wait the epidemic out.

Futo Inu

New member
So are we supposed to have ever heard of "Swabi"? Africa, I'm guessing? Thought we had smallpox wiped out for good, anyways. :confused:
Very disturbing if true

Greetings all,

The last natural case of smallpox occurred in 1977, and in 1980, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the global eradication of smallpox and recommended that all countries cease vaccination. Smallpox is a viral disease unique to humans. To sustain itself, the virus must pass from person to person in a continuing chain of infection and is spread by inhalation of air droplets or aerosols. Twelve to 14 days after infection, the patient develops a fever and has severe aching pains and prostration. Death usually occurs during the second week. The disease most commonly confused with smallpox is chickenpox, and during the first 2 to 3 days of rash, it may be all but impossible to distinguish between the two.

What's VERY curious is that there is absolutely no mention of deaths, just says that the disease is "fatal."

Smallpox fatality among untreated people can run as high as 80%.

I'm dubious, at best.

It could be a severe form of chicken pox, or possibly even cowpox.

Brett Bellmore

New member
That is curious. You'd expect deaths by the score. Maybe that's it, this paper just got confused. I've sent the paper an email, requesting a confirmation of this.


New member
IF this is true, I'd bet money it's not a natural outbreak.

Smallpox was supposed to have been eradicated a couple of decades ago. IF there's a big outbreak in Pakistan - the origin of a great many of Osama's Taliban buddies - it probably means terrorists were trying to make a bioweapon and it got away from them.

Again, the operative word is IF. I'll be looking for confirmation from other sources over the next few days/weeks, but right now, I think a healthy dose of skepticism is in order.


New member
If I recall correctly. The militaries of some eastern bloc countries continued smallpox vaccinations long after the free world abandoned the practice.

I do hope this report is either in error or a hoax.



New member
Since smallpox was eliminated in the wild in the 80's the only way this could have happened if if it was released from a lab. It sounds like bio-terrorism to me.


New member
Pakistan's major English-language daily newspaper has reported what it calls...

The first sentence of the WND article says all we need to hear. These are the same people (Pakistan's newspapers) that variously claimed that 9/11 was done by:
1) the CIA
2) the Israelis
3) the Jews
and they always "stood by their story" (most Pakistani papers still haven't admitted they were wrong, in fact, as a result, in many polls most Pakistanis believe one of these three, or all, were responsible for the World Trade Center).:barf: