Time To Leave!


New member
At Kandahar approx. 7 armed sappers came within the security perimeter and were not shot. Troops guarding the perimeter at Kandahar airport are under orders not to shoot unless shot at. It seems it is time to quit this theater, fold our tents and go. Military decisions made in a politically correct way. Don't allow the politicos to endanger our troops. No more Viet Nams. The war there is over and all future decisions are mere negotiations for rebuilding Afganistan, a country that has no infrastructure to start with.

Let the CIA and other unknown acronym groups handle this one from here.


New member
Cal4D4: You appear to be correct. I read the same in my morning paper and although no specific rules of engagement were detailed it sure does get one to thinking.


New member
Look at it this way. At least they still have rounds to load and fire. It could be worse. I've personally been involved in situations where ammo was under lock and key and I've heard stories about ammo being available on strippers but not permitted to be loaded in magazines without command approval. Another interesting story I heard spoke of magazine wells being taped over to prevent "accidental" magazine insertion. huh???

All this under the previous administration. Makes "don't fire unless fired upon" seem pretty reasonable. Incrementalism at it's best...


New member
(AP) 1:16pm 1-16-2002:

>>Meanwhile, White House spokesman Ari Fleischer reiterated that President Bush will not support deploying U.S. forces to Afghanistan for the British-led peacekeeping mission. "The president's view is unchanged - that America's military forces should be used for fighting and winning a war. That is their mission in Afghanistan," the press secretary said<<

Bush's proposed budget is WAY too high, but he is sure making the best decisions in this war stuff.

Remember weeks ago in re the "what country next" question I advocated Phillipines? We sent a dozen soldiers a couple weeks ago and are now going to up that to 700. I wish we would give our military free rein in the Phillipines and just spend 10 days there and then jump back out. Our troops could route all the terrorists in that time.


New member
I think 10 days in the Philippines is way overoptimistic. The terrorist groups have a many years foothold on nearly all of the islands.

We couldn't completely shut down that problem when we had many thousands of troops there.



New member
It's a shame our "forward thinking" politicians decided to mothball all of the Iowa class battleships. One of the old gals could have been anchored off the Phillipine coastline and used to "remove' any terrorist bases............