Thunderbird 4350 powder?


New member
I just was given a canister of powder labeled, " Thunderbird Cartridge Co., Inc.", with 4350 printed on it in two places. It must have 8 to 10 lbs of powder in it. It's extruded, smells right and looks like it could be, well, 4350, in visually excellent condition. It's a cylindrical, shiny, metal can with a screw-cap. No date; no bar-code, no stock numbers. Does anybody know anything about this?
{Edit: I was editing this when the above posted}

Thunderbird Cartridge Company, Inc, appears to be a commercial reloader and a reloading supply retailer. They probably bought powder in bulk and divided it into those cans. These days, you don't see a lot of metal containers, but they still work. As to the age and whether it is canister grade or packaged bulk grade, I couldn't say. I suggest you call Thunderbird and ask. 602-237-3823.
Since you posted in this thread, I assumed you believed you were making a post relevant to the thread topic, so I needed to be sure there was no confusion.


New member
I tried to call them today, but they didn't pick up. Waiting for an email response too. Thanks for the input, guys. I'm hoping to use the powder, but want to exercise some due diligence before proceeding.


New member
Thunderbird Cartridge Company in Laveen, AZ is the company that repacked this powder. It is probably non-canister powder. As far as I know they are still in business. They should be able to supply some data. Small shop, been there for years.


New member
I got through to them today. The good news is that it's a non-canister grade of 4350 made by Du Pont for an ammunition manufacturer and not precisely standardized for the reloading market. Begin with a starting load for 4350 and work up; standard operating procedure. Looks like I'm pretty well set for powder now,:)
Thanks, everyone, for your helpful comments.
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