Thumbs up for FedEx


Staff Alumnus
My Taurus .357 Ti needed to be sent back to the factory for some minor work. Rather than patronize the gummint or U Pistols Stolen, I looked up the nearest FedEx dropoff point. Turns out it's less than a mile from where I work.

I packed up the gun and took it to the dropoff. Got a parking place right up front (labeled "Customer Parking Only") and strolled in.

First impression: A/C running on afterburners, which felt friggin' GREAT! Very clean. Professional-looking folks behind the counter. Only one customer ahead of me.

When I got to the counter, I placed the case on the counter and said "This needs to go to Miami." The service rep glanced at the box and the work order, smiled, and said "No problem. Let me get a box for you. Go ahead and fill this out," handing me an address label.

I scribbled the info in, assembled the box, and noted that the case was a loose fit. I asked if she had any packing paper. "Yeah, just a couple tons or so left over from Christmas," she laughed. She gave me the paper, I finished packing the gun. I then said, "I need $600 insurance on this, by the way." "No problem! How do you want it sent?" "No hurry. Regular ground service is fine." "OK, that's three days. Good enough?" "Yep, works for me."

She finished up the paperwork and charged me $14.50. I mentioned that if I had gone to UPS, I'd have gotten $1200 insurance and bought two revolvers when they stole mine. She laughed and said "We hear that a lot, actually."

An outstanding experience. Whenever I've had to deal with other carriers, it's been indifference (at the PO) or hostility (at UPS) and terrible service. FedEx gets my bidniz from now on.


Staff Alumnus
I only ship items via Fed Ex if I can help it. However, when I ship extremely heavy items, I suffer through the agony of using UPS. At 140 lbs though, it's hard for their thieves to walk off with my packages.


1911 Addiction
"The tree of liberty will grow only when watered by the blood of tyrants."