Thumbhole stock status


New member
Hello All, I am in NJ where there is no info available. One poster on a NJ firearms sights says that the State Police view it as an ordinary stock, as long as it is attached at 2 points to the rear portion.

This becomes important due to the allowable "evil features" on a semi-auto rife.

Is the thumbhole a pistol grip or not?

To me, it seems the answer would be no, but I would like a clear definition in writing. I can't find anything as it pertains to NJ.

Thank you for any help or docs that you can provide.



New member

Can we assume your question relates to a semi-auto rifle?

I have hunted with a thumbhole stock on my Contender (single shot) rifle for years and never had an issue, whatsoever.

Since leaving the Garden State 2 years ago into the free state of Pennsylvania I have not kept up on the NJ issues.

Send an EMAIL request to the NJ State Police and see what they have to say.

You can also call Evan Nappan a NJ attorney who specializes in N J gun issues.

Personally, I do not see a thumbhole stock as a pistol grip simply due to its design.


New member
Thank you Ammo.. I have Evan Nappen's book, and can't find it. Yes, I am speaking about using it on a 10/22 Ruger semi auto 22lr rifle.

I wan't to re-barrel it, and if I do, I want a threaded barrel.

If a thumbhole IS a pistol grip, on a semi, then it is illegal to have a threaded barrel.

If a thumbhole is just a stock, then the barrel is only 1 evil feature, and OK by NJ law.

I will write the State Police as you said. Maybe this is as close to finding the answer in writing as I will get.



New member
Great Option

Thank you Ammo.. I have Evan Nappen's book, and can't find it. Yes, I am speaking about using it on a 10/22 Ruger semi auto 22lr rifle.
In my book, this is a good call and no, it's not considered a pistol grip, primarily because you still have a section of stock, going from the bottom of the grip, to the rest of the butt-stock. The grip is still part of the stock ..... ;)

Might add that Boyds sells a bunch of these stocks, not only for the 10/22 but other rifles. You may want to see what they say.... :)

Might add that some folks love them and others hate them. I do not prefer them on hunting rifles but really like them, on the bench. .... :)

Be Safe !!!

44 AMP

I would caution you against relying only on what the police tell you. Even the State Police. They may give you valid information, or they may give you information that they believe is valid, and is in some manner incorrect.

If they do give you bad info, its still your responsibility to obey the law. And I doubt that "I did what the State Police told me" will be enough for an acquittal, though it might help mitigate your sentence somewhat.


If you got it in writing on their letterhead... etc.

you are in a state with a reputation for zealous prosecution of violations of gun laws (intentional or otherwise), so I would recommend you get qualified legal advice, and get it on record. (something like a letter from the Attorney General's office stating what is, and is not in compliance with NJ law, would be a good thing to have.)

It sucks that you would have to do something like that to be sure of being legal, but it sucks worse being prosecuted, even if charges eventually get dropped. And of course if you get convicted, its bye bye to your guns (for life) and the end of life as you currently know it.

The police will probably give you good advice, but, if you count only on that, you are rolling the dice with your future.

Good Luck.
I'm pretty certain that a thumbhole stock is prohibited in states like Connecticut, New York, and possibly a few others since the post-Sandy Hook laws were enacted. I don't think it's prohibited under federal law, but each state has its own definitions. Consult a firearms attorney in your state.