Thrifty or just plain stupid?


New member
This may be out of left field.....on second thought it's over the fence and about 30 yards out of left field.

I was cleaning my AR after a day of shooting and noticed my barrel mops were getting black from residue. Is there a way of cleaning them to maybe getting a little more life out of 'em. I heard that bore snakes can be washed to prolong life the same way. Is handwashing my cleaning materials being thrifty or should I suck it up and go by some more.

Any opinions are greatly appreciated.


New member
Clarification on last post.

I do not use the bore mops on the bore. For example I may us it to clean the inside of the bolt carrier or chamber of my AR to remove any residual cleaner or dirt. (somewhere my fingers can not go and a patch is a little less effective)

I still believe nothing cleans a bore like a good jag and a patch.

James K

Member In Memoriam
I see no reason you can't wash the mops (or patches for that matter), but IMHO it would be a lot more trouble than it is worth. (I knew a woman who used to dry out paper towels and re-use them; fortunately, she never got around to re-using other kinds of cleaning paper.)

As to bore snakes, I usually advise against them. I have seen and heard about too many breaking in the barrel, a real PITA to remove.
