Three Strikes


Moderator Emeritus
A man is on trial in Santa Barbara for shop lifting a bottle of wine, a tube of chapstick and a bag of value $12. If found guilty he will be sentenced to 25 to life under the Cali 3 strike law. Alot of folks are upset.

Now for the rest of the story:
In the early 1970's he was arrested for raping a 15 yr old girl and her mother during an armed home invasion robbery. He escaped jail and went to W. Virginia. There he was arrested for armed robbery and the shooting of a police officer (no death). When released on parole he was extradited to Cali where he was convicted of the rape/home invasion charges. He was recently released from Atascadero State Hospital where he had been under the sexually violent predator program.

Seems to me that this is exactly the type the 3 strikes law was made for.

Jeff Thomas

New member
I agree 100%.

Those who defend such scum should have him live with them!

The man should be breaking big rocks into little rocks for a very, very long time.

DC, thanks for giving us "the rest of the story".

Regards from AZ


New member
I agree the guy is scum and lacking someone plugging him for the rape, I'd like to see him in prison until he is feeble.

However, this has nothing to do with the current charges or 3 strikes. Does anyone honestly think that shoplifting $12 of merchandise should be prosecuted as a felony? Maybe a year for the shoplifting on top of complete revocation of parole would be more appropriate. I'm not on his side, just don't think that this sounds just on shoplifting.

I wonder how many here thought I was lying when I said that my mentally ill brother-in-law was charged with felony shoplifting for a bag of chips? He is so out of it that he basically just wandered into the store, picked up the chips and wandered out. I don't know if he was aware or not as I haven't asked him. I'm glad they reduced the charge to misdemeanor, but the point is that it is illegal to charge someone of diminished capacity with felony shoplifting. David B., has never commited any crimes of violence, burglary, etc. Just drug possession (use) and this shoplifting thing.


New member
Aside from the fact that shoplifting $12 worth of stuff should be a misdemeanor, how did this guy get out to begin with?!?!? 2 rapes, and shooting a cop!?!? Jeez! The shouldn't have to be dealing with his $12 theft! I don't usually advocate killing people, but it's really too bad that that officer didn't just unload on the guy. $0.50 worth of 9mm and the taxpayers in california wouldn't have had this headache.


New member
good reasons.
Bad law.

David B. gets it down to misdemenor.
Rapist gets nailed.

Works in spite of the screwy law.



New member

The three strikes thing is serious BRAVO SIERRA. A violent felony conviction should be punishable by either a lengthy prison sentence or death. There should be no other "strikes" for violent criminals.

Jeff Thomas

New member
I'm not a CA resident (and, believe me, I am thankful every day for that good fortune), but I believe the 3 strikes law came about because people were disgusted with the leniency of the criminal justice system.

I believe that most 3-strikes supporters are also very supportive of firm, fair punishment the first time ... it's just that the "system" doesn't do its job.

Regards from AZ

David Park

New member
I believe the 3 strikes law came about because people were disgusted with the leniency of the criminal justice system.
Exactly, but the "solution" is nearly as bad as the problem. In effect, the people are admitting the system will fail twice, but at least the scum will be locked up for good the third time. :barf: Project Exile has the same problem, because it targets previous felons (2 strikes) and focuses on the mere possession of a gun, rather than any violent crimes. Why do people feel the need to create new crimes (such as "gun crime" or committing several crimes in a row) instead of getting tough on existing crimes?

If you like zero-tolerance, how about mandatory minimum sentences of 50 years for rape and attempted murder, and life in prison for murder. How about abolishing parole, like we've done in Virginia. Unless this guy lived to well over 150 years old, he'd never see the outside of a prison again, much less get a chance to shoplift.

I read an interesting theory recently. The law enforcement/prison "establishment" (not street cops, but the bureaucrats at the top) has a vested interest in creating as many classes of criminals as possible, because it gives them job security and power. However, they also need to allow a small number of very dangerous criminals to run free and scare the populace. The people then ask for more laws to "get tough on crime," and the establishment gains even more power. This explains how the rapist and cop-shooter here is allowed out on parole, while the prisons are full of people guilty only of marijuana possession. It also explains why the "top cops" support gun control which turns law-abiding citizens into criminals, even though they know crime will go up and the real criminals will still have guns.


New member
How insulting is this to the woman who was raped and the cop who was shot? He's free on the street after what he did to them, but for stealing $12 in merchandise, he'll be put away for a long time.

He should already be in prison. No one should get 20 years for stealing.