Threats and Warning Signs


New member
So I've been asking myself recently, "when do I take someone serious when they're making threats about shooting a bunch of people?"

When do I let it go as just venting, when do I take it for the real deal? I'm not providing my own example because I don't want that to taint the discussion and have everyone focus on that. I want to see your example and counter-example of a threat vs. a vent.


New member
This is incredibly vague. If it were me, I'd ask myself, "Do I know this person? What do I know about this person?" If I know the person, maybe you gather more information. If you don't know them at all, you have no idea of their background, history or intent, then perhaps it's time to make a phone call, and take it out of your hands.

Afterall, what are the consequences if you were to report it to the authorities? If it's someone you know, someone that is a friend or in your family, then you will feel responsible for much of the fallout they experience in the wake of it.

If it's not anyone you know or care about, there likely isn't a whole lot of guilt over the hassles they face from recklessly shooting off their mouth.

Personally, I'm not in favor of getting anyone in trouble who doesn't certainly deserve it, but it's also somewhat of a duty to try and prevent horrific events if there were warning signs leading to them.


New member
Depends on the person and the situation...

Is it a 14 year old kid who doesn't have realistic access to firearms, and who lives with the concept of airsoft and video games? The boy needs to get outside more...

Or is it an adult? Is the person trying to make humor?

Violence with firearms is the ONE thing I don't joke about.


New member
What got be thinking about it was a blog posting by an adult woman. I don't know her, and I don't feel threatened by her...mostly because of the distance between us, since I don't have a clue what she is capable of. But my main concern wasn't this specific case, but rather how people evaluate those cases as they come across them.

There is always talk about how mass murders are preventable, yet at the same time there seems to be a casual disregard for people who make threats, or imply threats, of violence via their actions and statements.

It seems there is a fine line to walk between political correctness (in this case, condeming every mention of violence no matter how or why it is presented) and free speech and thought (taking it for granted that what someone is saying is nothing more than venting, rhetoric, or satire).

Personally, I like to err on the on the side of freedom and risk the consequences of that (I do not carry a gun without reason). But at the same time I understand the hysteria that can erupt as result of a person's statements (think of all the school lock downs over list of names being found, or a student who brings a toy gun to class...I almost got expelled from my elementary school for carrying a butter knife in my lunch box to cut a pork chop!).

Maybe we just all have a responsibility to keep ourselves prepared for the unexpected, and to never forget that while most times words are just words, they are always a warning to be prepared.