Threads on Remingtons


New member
I would like to know if the barrel threads on a Remington M788 and a M700 are the same diameter and pitch. Eventually my son is going to want a larger caliber rifle and I thought I would be able to rebarrel his 788 into a .308 or 7mm/08. Gunparts Corp offers barrels, but they never seem to have any in stock, so I thought I'd try one from a 700. Those are quite common, and I'm trying to save the local smith some work. A new Douglas is out of the question. Anyone know?

Harry Bonar

New member

You're just have to bight the bullet and get a Douglas bbl.- they can do the conversion for you as far as the bbl. fitting is concerned - get hold of Fred Depoy at Douglas.
What caliber is the rifle now?
Harry B.


New member
It's a .243 and I'm a little leary taking him deer hunting in bear country until I get a bigger caliber for him. He shoots the .243 like a sniper, but bruins can get pretty big, and if the game scratches gouges and bites, I like a 7mm bullet or bigger. Thanks, Old One.