Threads disappearing without a trace

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New member
I just noticed that a fairly lengthy thread in the Tactics & Training forum disappeared without a trace, as well as my personal history of responding to that thread. While I respect the right of the moderators to lock threads, and even perhaps on occasion to delete individual posts that use bad language, deleting entire threads without explanation or traceability is inexcusable and will ultimately damage the usefulness of this site.

People who are supposedly for RKBA should be fairly open to unfettered discussion on firearms-related topics, even if they present positions that differ from their own.

What say you?
If a thread is deleted, then there's reason(s) why we did. Whether or not you deserve such reason is up to either the Staff member that deleted it or the Moderator in charge of the board. While you may think it's inexcuseable, it definitely is to Staff.

I seriously doubt the thread in question provides such vital information that merits a mere closing.

Shadi Khalil

New member
IMO, the tactics and training forum should be the most heavily moderated of the forums. Allot of people don't think before they post and end up make themselves and the rest of us look like idiots. The Internet is not as anonymous as people like to think it is. You can wind up in allot of trouble if the wrong person reads the wrong post.
We on staff don't delete threads lightly, but you'll have to trust us when we say that there were good and compelling reasons for doing so.

Yes, we recognize that it can kill what was otherwise a polite and robust conversation. Are we happy about that? No. But again, in the judgment of the staff member(s) involved, it was a necessary action.

Mal H

One more ...
spacecoast said:
People who are supposedly for RKBA should be fairly open to unfettered discussion on firearms-related topics, even if they present positions that differ from their own.
You shouldn't assume that any thread is ever deleted due to the firearms discussion in it. That would be a false conclusion. In the case you're talking about, there was more to the thread than meets the eye of the casual observer. It is unfortunate that the bulk of the discussion became "collateral damage", but there was no alternative.
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