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Thread closeure


New member
New to this site and been browsing encountered a few closed threads, some Obama this and Trump that, which I understand is totally political.

But was shocked to see a property/defense thread closed. Without a single mention of politics.

Spats McGee

Welcome to TFL, Bluecthomas.

I'm not sure which thread you're referring to, but threads get closed for a variety of reasons. Maybe a thread is too political, or maybe someone resurrected a long-dead thread that the mods feel is best to left die, or maybe there's just too much bickering going on in a thread. There's usually a closure note by the mod who closed it, though.


New member
That's odd. . .

There must have been a reason for that.

Can you post the link so I can see it? There are a lot of threads like that. . .



New member
In law and civil rights, "how to handle idiots on your property?".

There was some "you wrong" comments. A staff member had commented. But no note on closure.

I wanted to ask if the op had followed up with a confirmation of the "visitors" claimed reason.
Whole thing sounded fishy. If you got good explanation, you don't run off.

Wife going off alone, gun in hand, I agree those were errors in judgement. Holstered and Kipling's "hand held low" would of been my approach.

I could go on. But this probably not the place for that...

Op of that thread was boogersnot or something like that.

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
Bluecthomas said:
Can't staff relocate?

Yes we can. I've done just that several hundred times.

I've also just closed threads, like I did there, with the intent of it being instructive in nature. I laid out the reasoning of why that thread didn't belong in L&CR, and where it could have gone.

Considering the subject matter, the way it was presented by the OP, the responses that were made, I honestly didn't feel like saddling other mods with it.

Agree or disagree, but those were my thoughts. The OP could have PM'd me for a further explanation or reconsideration. He didn't.