THR is back up -- but I think I'll keep visiting TFL also

Larry Ashcraft

New member
I concur with Oleg, but I've visited here regularly since it opened back up, even though I post more on THR.

Rich is a very gracious host. :)


New member
All down to time .. available time that is but - yeah ... many of us from THR were more than glad to have a place to sit awhile. I have tried to keep in touch over here since it reopened but will certainly be trying to stay in touch a bit more if possible.

Thx for the hospitality Rich. :)


New member
Was nice to be home for a bit.

Now that doesnt mean that Im packing up and leaving for good, just gonna have to do double time.

Enjoyed the visit though.

Great job Rich for bringing the ole girl back to life.


New member
I'd forgotten how much fun this place is. Thank you for the hospitality. Over on THR, I'm known as RileyMc. Sneevil is my evil twin. :p


New member
I have been guilty of lurking for a bit. I too enjoyed logging in, will have to log on more often.

Rich, and Staff, thank you for having me.

SA Scott

New member
I felt a little guilty, at first, as if I abandoned old friends for new ones. But after a few visits, it's like walking back and forth between two rooms at the same party. :D

SA Scott, aka SADShooter