Thoughts on the Armalite AR-24?


New member
Hey guys I just got my CZ 85 Combat and while the trigger is terrible its rekindled my love for CZs... While I mull over the SP01 shadow target vs CZ75 Shadow SAO for the big bucks I remembered holding a AR-24 a while back and if I remember correctly it felt quite comfortable. Sadly since it is a Witness copy nothing CZ will interchange (at least Witness small frame mags work...) but it seemed like a very quality pistol for what little money they were asking. From what I read* its all forged steel no MIM etc. comes out of Turkey.

What are your opinions? I realize it isn't a cheap clone/copy but cheap isn't really what I am after. Love to hear from owners, former owners, persons who have fired it, etc... I am gonna see how much my local shop can get one today.


New member
A year or two ago there was a flurry of posts on the AR24 on several forums. As I recollect, the posts were quite detailed in evaluation of the pistol and the results were favourable.


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I wouldn't say the AR24 is a "cheap" copy of the CZ75 - it's just a copy. In my experience it's a quality firearm that has the performance as its Czech counterpart.


New member
@Dpris - I read some of your other posts concerning AR24s that were very helpful. I read one review claiming that all parts were forged, while I was skeptical I thought to address it here. Thanks for the input.

I wouldn't say the AR24 is a "cheap" copy of the CZ75

exactly. Its a quality copy/divergence from the original CZ. That's what interested me. I just wanted to be sure that my feelings that it seemed quite nice where mirrored of those who have had more experience with it.

I am curious since it has more in common with EAA Witness/Tanfoglio if their .22 conversion kit will fit it?

Also hoping these mags will run well.


Member Emeritus
My original understanding was that there were no MIMs, found out later there are a couple, can't recall which ones. :)

Quality was better than Italian counterparts I've seen.


New member
Interesting looking clone. It appears as though they styled the slide to look like a Sig 210, but on a CZ*75 frame. I personally think it looks better than a standard CZ-75.


New member
Yes, consensus was that it is a quality pistol. But it seemed to be in marketing "no man's land", i.e., not substantially better (if at all) than the original CZ, but at roughly the same price. It is really tough for a new entrant (Sarsimlaz/Armalite) to command a premium compared to the entrenched brand (CZ). You are pretty much forced to start at a lower price, then build up your reputation until you can charge more. Or you have to start with a big marketing/promotion budget. Neither of which Armalite was willing to do.

But then again, commercial success may not be the same thing as you getting good value for your money. It might be a commercial failure, but it might make you damn happy to own.


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I haven't personally handled the gun but I have read good things about them. My main problem would be is if armalite quits carrying them will there be parts available. Nothing like having an orphan gun and break something.


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A few years ago Academy Sports had a Sarsilmaz Hancer 2000 on a clearence price of $289. I knew nothing of the brand of gun. A little research told me it was Academy Sports house brand of the AR-24. For the price I figured it would be worth a try. Since then it has become my favorite 9mm. Man what a great shooter and so far rock solid. I really think you would be happy with it. I bought the gun just for the way it fit my hands and for range time only. If you can get one at a good price, do it. The sa/da trigger on mine is great.


New member
I can get the Custom Tactical for 500 or the standard one for 440ish, I wasn't really paying attention on that one because it has fixed sights. :eek: I figured that if I got the fixed sight model and decided to cut it for a rear adjustable I probably end up spending more then purchasing the Custom Tactical out right... Custom Tactical also has the neat raised checkering front and back. ;)

I am looking at the AR-24, CZ75B Stainless w/ beavertail, or the CZ Custom SP-01 Shadow Custom Exclusive. Problem is I am unsure If I want to drop almost 1000 dollars on the SP-01 just to have it feel uncomfortable at the end of the day, as much as I love the Shadow... :( And if that happens finding a buyer for a 1000 dollar pistol is much harder then finding one for a 500 dollar pistol.

I was just remembering how well the AR-24 fit in my hand and now after learning there is a supply of aftermarket mags it has begun to interest me a bit more.

That said if I get the AR-24 I want it to be able to perform. I want nice small groups and it to hold up under use.
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New member
I have an AR-24 with adjustable sights. It is one of my favorite pistols (out of around 60 now. Shhhh....don't tell the wife). I love everything about this gun. It is all forged steel (I don't believe the CZ has a forged frame).

It shoots dead-nuts on target, and it has never failed to do anything. I get the tiniest groupings with this gun. It makes me look like a way better shot than I am.

It is HEAVY and would not be my first choice for carry, but that's not why I bought it. It is a range toy and would make a great SHTF gun.
I would highly recommend it to anyone considering it.

It is not a cheap copy of anything. It is a step up in my opinion, and I have several CZ's (and love them as well).

Out of my fairly large collection (again, shhh), this would be one of the last to go if I HAD to start selling pieces off.


Member Emeritus
Dug out an ArmaLite email from 2010-

Some "small detailed parts" are investment cast; slide, barrel & frame are forged.
My apologies on the MIM memory error. :)
There MAY be MIMs introduced since 2010.
