Thoughts on Marlin 981T?


New member
I've used the search feature and didn't really find much on this rifle... anyone have one? Do you like it? My brother is considering one as his first firearm, and I suggested the bolt action .22, and the tube mag so he could fire shorts and colibris, etc. How are they in the accuracy department? General impression? Good starter rifle?


New member
I bought one of these for my girlfriend as her first rifle. She loves it and is a great shot with it. It is very accurate but I dont like the sights as they can be moved around easy. May want to consider a scope also. We picked this rifle because of the tube mag so shorts can be fired also. You can get a lot of information on this rifle and others at

Hope that helps.


New member
I was very dissatisfied with the 981T. The rear ramp sight was abominable. The action got hosed up immediately after the first time I cleaned it. I haven't sold it yet, but it's sitting at my parent's house unused. Wouldn't buy another. YMMV, and I hope it does.
