Thoughts on a few newish handguns...


New member

I carry several different types of handguns at different times for different reasons, but I have to say that my Kahr CM9 is the one that is with me the most. 9mm, small, light, thin, and very concealable to carry around in a t-shirt and shorts. It has been flawless since the day I bought it, and I could not be happier with it. we all know, other handguns call our name from time to time, and I've heeded that call...and had another drop in my lap.

I decided I wanted a higher capacity 9mm to add to my rotation and as usual studied up on the different offerings. I already own a Springfield XDm 3.3 45 that I can use 45 Super out of when wanted, and I have enjoyed it quite a bit. I decided on the Springfield XDmod 2 subcompact in 9mm. I carry it with a DeSantis Sof-tuk holster and it conceals well even with the higher capacity. It has been absolutely flawless since I bought it, points and shoots excellently, and the trigger feels great. I've always heard that if a 1911 and a Glock had a baby, it would be an XD, and I can see that.

I have owned a Taurus TCP 380 for awhile, but I decided to sell it to a friend for his wife and purchase a Kahr CW380. This serves the purpose of what I like to call my "dirt-gun". It goes in the pocket whether I am wearing lighter gym shorts, or out working on the property/yard. The TCP was fine, but I decided I wanted the CW380 to match up with my CM9.
I bought the Cerakote Tungsten Kahr and eagerly looked forward to shooting it. When I received it, I gave it a light cleaning and went to the range. Worst gun I have ever shot right out of the box. In about a hundred rounds, it only fired successive shots twice. I had WWB primarily, but also some crappy ammo...Perfecta and TulAmmo. The latter two would never even go into battery, the WWB occasionally went into battery, but would fail to eject. Of course I wrote Kahr the same day, and I was impressed to receive an email back from them early the next morning. I called and talked to one of their reps, and he wanted me to send it in immediately at their expense. I know that Kahrs can have some problems during break-in, so I said if he didn't mind, I would give it a couple of weeks and if it was not worked out, I would send it back.
I gave it a really good cleaning, worked the slide about 50 times a day, cycled good ammo through it,and left the slide locked open when not in use until I took it to the range again about a week later. I fired 50 rounds of American Eagle FMJ's, 50 rounds of WWB JHP's, and 20 rounds of Sig Personal Defense with only one FTE. Much MO Bettah! I went again to the range yesterday and fired about 50 rounds through it again without a hiccup, and it seems to be running very well now. This gun definitely feels better than the TCP, and the trigger feels just like my CM9, so at this point I am very happy.

What's that other gun in the pic? Why that would be a Glock! Anyone who knows me on this site probably knows that I am not a huge Glock fan. I've tried to like them, but just don't...and I grow so weary of the Glockophiles.
Well, my wife had a friend that recently died of cancer. He had a gun that belonged to a friend of his from California, and that friend wanted us to get the gun, and get it out to him. We agreed. It was described as an "old gun" so I was thinking it was some old revolver, or possibly an old 1911 or something. When we got it, I saw that it was a Glock. Turns out that it is a barely fired Gen 3 Glock 19. Our friend out in California is about to have surgery and doesn't want us to get it out to him now for awhile, but we talked to him about whether it was even legal for him to have, or for us to send it out with it's 15 round magazines. It looks like he would have to take some sort of class for him to even own it, but we will all look into it in more depth when he feels he is ready for it. Until then, he says to enjoy!

The 19 is about the only Glock I have shot that I actually kind of liked, so I was excited to try it out, and compare it to my Mod 2. I enjoyed shooting it, but sorry, next to the Springfield it just didn't feel nearly as good to me. The XD grip angle was much better, trigger better, and "crisper" feel to it. It doesn't matter, it will probably eventually be gone, but until then I've always heard that everyone should own at least one there ya go!
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