Thought I was gonna have to shoot for real today!

1911A1 fan

New member
I work part-time at the local Stop-n-Rob and I had two gang-looking types come in and and take 15 mins. to get a 12 pack(they came to the counter after the last guy walked out) when I gave the first one his total, thug number two steped back about five feet when # 1 put his hand in his coat pocket. At this I put my thumb on the frame of my Kimber and gave him my best "make my day" look but I can tell you inside I was thinking "kid please dont make me do this" when he saw that I was not going to be food he shifted his hand from his coat to his wallet in the back pocket of his pants. I have never shot anyone outside of combat but I can tell you that if that kid would have pulled it then things would have gotten ugly him! Sorry about the rant just had to tell somebody.


New member
Damn glad you made it out alive! Was it late night or early morning? Were there any robberies that night that you heard about later?

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
Glad you were able to restore order; by making the
thug's think, before they acted.:eek: :D

Merry Christmas,
Ala Dan, Life Member N.R.A.


New member
Good handling of a potentially ugly situation. Another strong point for gun ownership and crime deterrent. See my handle below:D


New member
Great outcome. Sounds like your eyes and awareness prevented excallation. Or he was just bein a jerk. Either way you done good.

So many of the chain stop n robs don't allow ANY defensive weapon. You lucky.


Mal H

Good job.

That is a very good example of why we should trust our instincts implicitly. No need to escalate beyond what is necessary, but you were alert and prepared for the worst and therefore it didn't happen.

Moving to General Discussion.


New member
I applaud your sense of restraint and awareness. This to me is a classic example of one of the 2.25mm defensive uses of a firearm that occur each year. The anti's believe that those carrying a concealed weapon are itching for a chance to shoot somebody. Those of us who do have a CHL know how untrue that is.

All most of us want is a chance to defend ourselves and/or our families and property when the need arises. You most likely stopped a situation that could have gone south in a hurry, as well as giving those guys something to consider before they commit their next crime-namely, is this guy armed:eek: ?

Glad to hear your Christmas won't be spent in a hospital (or worse). geegee


New member
Several years ago two close friends of mine were driving home from a shooting match in another city. They stopped at a local curb market for drinks and snacks to pass the time on the way home. Both of these guys are long time CCW holders and local IDPA champs. Both carry custom 1911's in 45 ACP either one of them is a real threat in a match or in real life.
Anyway, while they were in the back of the store this guy comes in and starts hanging around the counter. The cashier asks him what he needs and he says he is going to buy a big money order so he is willing to wait until the other customers are finished. Outside, in front of the store, they could see a van with another guy behind the wheel. Maybe it was something about the look of this guy or the fact he kept looking around nervously but both my friends decided the flag was probably to drop. They lingered quietly in the rear of the store watching the situation.
When the last customer that was up front left the parking lot the guy changed his story and asked if the lady could cash a big money order! She explained that they did not keep enough money to cash money orders. He argued that he had been in there before and had seen a safe, he questioned her on how much money was in the store. At this point the cashier told the guy to leave.
Suddenly the guy swept his coat aside and revealed a revolver in stuck in his belt Mexican style. Pointing to the revolver he told the cashier to bag up all the money and not to forget the safe. While this guy had been stepping up his questioning of the cashier both of my friends had manuvered to positions that gave them a field of fire on the potential robber. At the display of the weapon both of them drew their .45's and took aim. From what I was told latter both of them gave the command for the robber to freeze. He spun around reaching for his revolver. Too late. When he saw two hand cannons already pointed at him he threw up his hands and tried to beg off. He will never know how close to death he came that day. According to the story I heard he said it was all a misunderstanding. Yeah.
Then in a dicey situation the robber was disarmed, frisked and told to lay on the floor. The van out front sped away as the cashier called 911. It took 21 minutes for the police to arrive!! By then my buddies were drinking free cokes and munching doughnuts while joking with the cashier.

On the up shot;

At out little home shooting range we have disected the events that day in the little store endlessly. Playing and replaying the situation on set up stages. Sometimes with paint ball guns and a real robber, sometimes with real ammo and a target robber/cashier and timers. We have observed different out comes and solutions according to the shooters working the stage.
In most senerious, if they had not drawn first they would have stood a good chance of being shot or the cashier being shot or taken hostage.
Conclusion; It is tough for any robber to out draw the finely tuned trigger of a 1911 that is already aimed.
Local laws may vary but according to the cops on the site that day, when the weapon was displayed the situation escalated to armed robbery and a real (even if only implied) threat of death to the cashier. Thier response of drawing down on the robber was completely justified.

Eric Larsen

New member
Wow, glad everything is ok! Good Job! I used to be the night time supervisor at a 7-11 when I was in college. The title night time supervisor, meant I was the only one stupid enough to put up with it that long in that neighborhood! My buddy and roommate worked across the street, same type of store and same shift. 2 times in 2 years he was robbed. The last time
he had a 44 or other LARGE pistol literally stuck up his nose.
He quit that night....I was very lucky...My store had a rep for being police friendly (they new if they came by between 11 pm
and 5 coffee and donuts!) I dont know what effect it
had, but I never had a 44 stuck up my nose.....shoot well

7th Fleet

New member
In such an evironment as you work in, it most certainly pays to stay alert. I'm proud that you survived this potentially lethal encounter.


El Rojo

New member
From my understanding, many times bad things have been prevented just by the sight of a firearm or the person intending to do harm knowing there is a firearm present. 1911A1 Fan didn't have to draw his weapon, he just had to imply he was ready and willing to use it and he was prepared at that moment to do so.

My best friend's dad is a police rangemaster. He is a big time runner for being 50 years old and he runs in the rural areas near a big city all of the time. One early morning, he was getting out of his truck to go run when he saw two gang bangers drive by real slow. He was thinking of going elsewhere when he said screw it, they aren't running me away. So he goes on his jog. Sure enough, on down the road there is that car on the side of the road and the gangbanger types are out of the car. One of them starts to approach the off-duty officer and the other is starting to move around to flank him. As the gangster approaches my friend's dad he says, "I think we have a problem." My friend's dad replies by unhosltering his Glock 27 half way out of his fanny pack, no words, just showing his Glock. The guy confronting him doesn't act shocked (possibly doped up), he just says, "We have a flat tire." The guy flanking the officer looks pretty shocked and starts back peddling the other way. Officer replies, "So." Gang banger says, "Do you have a cell phone." Reply, "No". The two gang bangers get back in the car and drive away. The picked the wrong guy to try to rob that day, it is a good thing for them they decided to leave him alone as I know he would have humanely dispatched them post haste.

Lets all remember this as we carry. Often all we have to do is let on we are not going to be easy pray, and that is enough for a self-interested criminal to go else where.

Bob Locke

New member
Glad that you didn't have to draw down on him, for a multitude of reasons.

I hope that if I'm ever in a similar situation that I have as happy an ending to tell!


New member
Excellent post, and I am very glad to hear how it turned out. Just one question: did you call in their license number or contact the police. I hate to think they went on to easier prey unhindered.

Joe Portale

New member
Good Job 1911A1 Fan! Thank God you didn't have to cross that threshold. The thought of sending a thug to Perdition doesn't bother me all that much. Hoping not to sound like a bliss-ninny, but it would be nice if good people weren't put in that position.

This should be about you, but this story needs to be told. The sight of a firearm did save my bacon several times. The latest was when I stopped at a 711 near the range. I pulled out my money to pay for my coffee when two gang banger looking goons behind me started whispering in Spanglish. "Hey look at this guys money!" one said to the other. (The other, again making the mistake that I don't understand street Spanish) "Let's f**k him up when he gets outside".

I went to put my money back in my pocket, making sure I pushed my jacket way back to show the 1911 cocked and locked on my hip. One of the bangers barked, fairly loudly "Oy! Verga!" (Oh! F**K!). The guy behind the counter, who was also Hispanic looked at me and gave me a slight smile. He must have heard was was happening and started to talk to me to keep me there while the two bangers beat a fast exit. The counter guy insisted on watching my back until I got in my car. Turned out that he was carrying also. The bg's were no where to be seen.

The moral boys and girls is, the sight of a gun does save lives. Even if it is the lives of the bad guys when they chicken out. ;)


New member
For me, I didn't have to go that far. I came out of a checking cashing store where I got some money orders. On my way to my truck, I heard someone about 12' behind me. I turned slightly to confirm this and when I looked back in the direction I was going I saw another similiar type looking guy about 5 yds in front of me. Unknown to them, my truck was to my immediate left. After passing the grill, I made a quick left towards the driver's door and turned and faced them. At the same instant, I lowered my jacket zipper all the way for access to my gun but didn't show it. Looking them straight in the eyes, one of them asked for the time and I gave the time to him. He thanked me and they both left, whereas I quickly got into my truck and left the area. I couldn't prove it but I was sure that they had bad ideas in store for me. I still go to that store for the same reason and I am still cautious. Either the word got around or they were one timers. Since then I've had no more problems or potential threats.


Moderator Emeritus
So many of the chain stop n robs don't allow ANY defensive weapon. You lucky.

I guess you don't work at 7-11, or you're probably gonna get fired.

When I worked 3rd shifts as the assistant manager of a Trajik Markup I had a firearm with me at all times. The company never knew, and the only way they'd have found out is if circumstances occurred that relegated management's opinion of my gun to insignificance.

As a police officer friend commented one morning while sipping his free coffee (another store policy I gratuitously violated); "I'd rather have you alive and unemployed than a dead good employee".

Oddly, every business around us was robbed, but never ours. Perhaps the nearly constant presence of squad cars had something to do with it, or the fact that the wee hours of some of my first shifts working there were spent on the final assembly and finishing of a Colt Navy replica on the worktable behind the register counter. ;)