Those SOBs at cabela's have done it now!


New member
The little buggers had the "1862 Police" on sale and had one in the store last week. Doggone them, anyway. It's getting to be so that every time I go there, my credit card just shoots right out of my wallet.
Ohhh, the humanity!
Merry Christmas to me, whoo hoo, guess I know what Santa will put in my sock. Well, with me being Santa, it's only fair.


New member
Re: '62 Piettia Police

I have one and frankilly it's my favorite belt pistol!
Not the most accurate, it throws a decent 4" 20 yard group but good enough for what it is intended for.
Powerwise, the revolver is a full sized .36 Navy and standard 20-22 gr Powder charges can be loaded.
It has a 6 shot cylinder.
I have shot mine for accuracy using real BP, Pyrodex, Crisco ,or wads and get the same groups I mentioned. The little revolver holsters well and draws smoothly due to the short BBL It even clears a Hip-high Holster without undue bending of the arm! I carry mine in a shortened Cabelas Western Holoster on the right, strong side caarry is effortless.
I haven't yet fired it with Conicals but standard Horniday swaged balls load and fire well.
All in all, a real deal and if you can find one on sale, a heck of aq deal!