Those Magpul MIAD grips are pretty neat


New member
I know...another AR-related thread, but since it's the Flavor of the Month these days:

As for many folks, the stock grips on my AR are just too thin -- and I have smallish hands already. I saw some Magpul MIADs at the local gun shop the other day and decided to pick them up after reading about different grips to try.

What a difference these grips make. :cool: I like the customization factor, the potential for storage of all sorts of doodads in the grip well, and the texture of the stippling. Grips like this should be standard on ARs, IMO.

What other grips do you like on your ARs?


New member
My favorite(MIAD) as well so far. The Houge<sp?grip for ARs is another one I really like.


i'm also a big MIAD fan. I have them on all of my ar15's.



New member
I love the MIAD. Adds one handed controllability--the stock A2 grips are too thin. I also threw in a spare Boltgroup, firing pin, cotter pin and CR2032 battery in there. Love it.