Those Diverse Democrats


New member
This is a little light-heartedness from the Wall Street Journal editorial website. Thought you might enjoy it.

Why do some social conservatives continue to vote Democratic? The Holland (Mich.) Sentinel quotes an explanation from Mark Brewer, Michigan's Democratic chairman: "A lot of people in our party are pro-life--it's the same thing when you talk about the gun issue. What unifies us tends to be the economic issues. I tell people, 'If you don't have a job, you can't afford a gun, let alone the ammunition.' We're a very diverse party."


New member
That is indeed the problem with the system as it now stands. Generally speaking, the Republicans have a lock on the pro-life, pro-gun vote. (Notice I said "generally speaking"). The Democrats have a lock on the union vote, the welfare vote and most of the low-income vote.

If the Democrats could be persuaded to allow for diversity within their party on the gun issues, they would probably fare a little better. But the party doesn't like that particular kind of diversity, and most people vote their pocketbooks. And there just aren't enough gun owners who vote guns first.

Fred Hansen

New member
I tell people, 'If you don't have a job, you can't afford a gun, let alone the ammunition."

That's odd, the folks that the demo's always champion the cause of: dopers, dirtbags, losers, trailer trash and gangbangers, always seem to have guns and ammo. And no F***ing jobs. Nine times out of ten when they are featured on "Cops", they don't have a shirt on, but they just held up a 7/11 with a GUN. So that can only mean a couple of things. They either:

A. Sold/traded Dope to get the money.

B. Robbed/killed someone for it, or the money to get it.

C. Got the money for it from some Demo-rat social program.:barf: :barf: :barf: :barf:
