Thoracic Triangle: Raising Your Sights During SD Range Pract

147 Grain

New member
When you go to the range and put that human silhouette out there for target practice, are you aiming for the upper Thoracic Triangle area or just center mass where the stomach is?


The upper Thoracic Triangle is the area you should aim for because it has a greater concentration of arteries and major organs (heart & lungs) than any other part of the body. This area is generally located between the armpits (nipples) and the bottom of the neck.

Draw a line horizontally between both armpits and then (from each side) draw two more lines inwards at 45* angles towards the base of the throat. This is the vulnerable Thoracic Triangle area, where blood pressure usually drops the quickest and results in unconsciousness faster than lower center mass hits will.

(Some range targets still have the center 10-ring about 3" lower than ideal, so adjust accordingly. Others have raised the small CENTER RING up a bit over the years, but still not quite high enough - about 1 1/2" to 2" too low.)

Besides a spine or Central Nervous System (CNS) shot, this Thoracic Triangle region is the most advantageous area for multiple hits in order to immediately stop a threat. Well-placed multiple shots from any caliber into the central upper Thoracic Triangle Area is more likely to incapacitate the BG than elsewhere.

Self defense shots typically have to penetrate deeper than we typically imagine. About 2/3'rds of the time, projectiles have to travel at odd angles and it is also common for a bullet to go through a hand, arm, leg, shoulder, ribs, bones, and etc... before reaching the chest cavity that houses the vitals. Because of these factors, selecting a bullet that comes close to meeting or exceeding the FBI protocol of 12" minimum penetration is preferred in order to ensure full penetration. If your favorite handgun load typically struggles to reach 10" - 12" of penetration into Gel, 4-Ply Denim, or Heavy Cloth, consider upgrading to a bonded HP, hardcast wadcutter, or use FMJ.

All handguns are somewhat underpowered in immediately stopping threats. Unfortunately, the human body is tough / well-built and an attacker can still function / cause harm for up to 45 +/- seconds with a hit into the UPPER chest region (not shoulder); so multiple well-placed hits into the upper Thoracic Triangle area are likely needed in order to stop the threat more quickly!

Raising your sights (when practicing at the range) for self-defense situations is more apt to save your life than lower center mass shots into the upper stomach (where the 10-ring is on many human silhouette targets). Getting into the habit of aiming higher than normal during range time will put more odds in your corner should the need arise during preservation of life situations!


New member
Using targets with an actual "likeness" on them also makes a big difference. Instead of shooting blank paper, you actually have to think, and make a decision as to where the rounds need to go, which isnt always just "COM". From different angles, a COM shot on paper may miss the vital completely in real life, and what appear to be ill placed shots on target, are actually where you want to shoot to hit the vitals.

Its always been my understanding that the only place youre likely to get "immediate" shut down with a pistol, or any round for that matter (and by immediate, I mean total cut off between the brain and body so that a trigger cant be pulled), is hitting the nerve bundle at the base of the skull. Directly from the front, its opposite or in line with that little "divot" (officially the philtrum) just below the nose, which would be your aiming point, or any point along that latitude of the head, that bisects the bundle at its rear most point. Paris Theodore addressed this in his "Quell" system of shooting, and I dont know of anyone else who has really addressed it since, or at least specifically.