Thompson/AO Model 1927 A-1 Tommy Gun


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Tommy Gun - Shameless Gun post
Well I finally went and did it. I bought a gun on impulse and went a bit over the top.
I bought a Thompson Model 1927-A1 Semi-Auto Tommy gun. I wish it was Full Auto, but it will do.
Complete and intact. It has the original Thompson 50 round drum mag and 4 stick mags with a US issued magazine pouch.
The moment I got home I called my wife up to the living room and showed it to her. I can't repeat some of the comments she made. After giving me a bit of what for, she said it was the most useless gun I've ever bought. I agreed and said "Yeah, but isn't it cool!" then she found out how much I paid for it. I think I'll be paying for it around the house for a couple of months now. I was giddy for a few hours after getting this one. She does like it after all, and told me I can keep it.

I took a few pics to show it.

Here they are.
This is what I got when I bought the kit.

My wife likes it too.

Thompson and Colt meet each other



Please feel free to let me know what you think


New member
After half a box of ammo, you will get real tired of the crappy trigger these things have.

Get a manual for it before you try any dis-assembly. There is a right and wrong way to get the lower receiver separated from the upper. Do it wrong and you'll have to send it in to have it separated. Something about releasing the trigger with the lower partially separated from the upper....IIRC.

Shoot factory loaded FMJ ammo in it. The cheapest you can find. Winchester white box (USA) works well. With the crappy trigger and its 3 miles of creep and 1 mile of over travel, you'll be so far off target by the time the sear lets off. I'm exaggerating, but's that bad. So use cheap ammo.

Avoid reloads. They can have a nasty tendency for the bullets to get pushed into the case as they're chambered. Case separation is the result.

Getting the drum mag attached to the gun can be a PITA the first few times.

BTW, I own an AO M1. It has a large amount of cool factor, but because of the bad trigger, it fun wears off pretty quick. And I'd NEVER get rid of mine. :D Oh felt recoil.

Have fun with it!


New member

Had a West hurley M-1. Fun for a long time. No recoil. Considering the 400 pound trigger it was pretty accurate. Heavy.
Srtip for cleaning can be tricky. Two internal parts on the M-1 can be installed in reverse order and make you think things are OK. Don't know about the 27.
Lots of fun but it got to be a pain to lug around. Sold it and got something much less burdensome.


New member
I have found my AO Thompson is only good for one Great bullet hose that actually has a little accuracy if you take your time, but it's more fun from the hip.:D



New member
Those things are a trip. I have gotten to shoot a WWII-era full-auto one a couple of times, and that was by far the coolest gun I've ever shot. Have fun with it!

44 AMP


I have one, and despite the crappy trigger pull, mine is quite accurate. 5 shots in one hole at 25yds! And I can ring the 200yd gong on the rifle range using the ladder sight!

My gun feeds FMJ, JHP, SWC, RNL, everything I have put in it so far. YMMV.

Avoid reloads. They can have a nasty tendency for the bullets to get pushed into the case as they're chambered. Case separation is the result

I've never had that problem, but then, my reloads are correctly made.;)

One thing to be aware of, the way the semi auto is made inside (to satisfy the BATF) puts things 1/4" off from the GI guns. GI mags usually will not work without modification being done to them. No GI (SMG) internal parts will work (or likely even fit) inside the gun. That is intentional.

Most often heard comment when the gun is shown..."COOL!"
Most often heard comment when the gun is handled..."wow! I had no idea they were that HEAVY!"

Did you get the "3rd hand" piece with the drum mag? If not, get one. The gun will lock open when empty on the stick mags, but will NOT lock open on the drum, and you need the bolt locked back to remove the mag.

Get a manual, its important. The gun is ...complicated. So is loading the drum. Enjoy!


New member
I did order a manual for it

I've read a couple comments about not tearing it down without reading AND understanding the proper method before starting to disassambe it.
The owners manaul is on the way I should have it in Tuesday or Wednesday.
The previous owner sold it because he couldn't afford to feed it any more. That I understand. At $20 or more for a box of ammo it won't take long to realize what feeding it might really cost. I bought it mostly for the novelty, and it fit's into my collection of military & military style guns of WWI & WWII. It does carry a whole bunch in the "Cool factor" for a gun.
Thanks for the kind comments, and especially the advice.

Madcratebuilder - What's the serial range/build date on your Tommy?



New member
Reload. It's the only way to shoot these. BTW I have a 1921 Colt Thompson and I shoot MY reloads in that all day long. It eats them up......quickly.


New member
I always thought they were really cool guns, but I don't think I would ever buy one. Hope you love yours and have lots of fun with it!!!!

Diamond LawDawg

New member
1927A-1c T-5 model

Bought one for my son..aluminum T-5 edition.9 1/2 lbs.:D what a hoot to own,shoot and handles as well as any rifle i've owned. One handed grip shooting is no problem and IT hits what you point at with any 45 FMJ out to the limit of the ammunition. :cool:


New member
Handled one the other day. Yep, if I had the bucks, its maybe the top on the list to buy just for fun.