Thomas Sowell On Gun Control

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
Do Gun-Control Laws Control Guns?

If, as gun-control advocates claim, gun-control laws really do control guns and save lives, there is nothing to prevent repealing the Second Amendment any more than there was anything to prevent repealing the Eighteenth Amendment that created Prohibition.

But, if the hard facts show that gun-control laws do not actually control guns, but instead lead to more armed robberies and higher murder rates after law-abiding citizens are disarmed, then gun-control laws would be a bad idea, even if there were no Second Amendment and no National Rifle Association.

The "other side" has framed this debate, which we need to stop anwering. We need to debate on equal ground... That is, we need to frame the debate ourselves, whether the "other side" likes it or not (and be assured, they won't like it one iota)!

Larry Correia (Correia lays it out), Kontradictions (Very good article on AWB written by a Democrat!) and now Thomas Sowell are showing us the way.


"...gun-control laws would be a bad idea, even if there were no Second Amendment and no National Rifle Association".

There are few better human beings than Thomas Sowell. His books are so very good. Economics are an excellent way to look at things.

Spats McGee

Good article. Thanks for posting that one.

Al Norris said:
The "other side" has framed this debate, which we need to stop anwering. We need to debate on equal ground... That is, we need to frame the debate ourselves, whether the "other side" likes it or not (and be assured, they won't like it one iota)!

I agree that the other side has framed this debate. I don't think we can quit answering, primarily because we cannot re-frame it if we do not answer. The antis rely on ignorance and confusion to win support, and we have to educate folks if we're going to win support from the fence-sitters.

They say: Assault weapon
We say: Semi-automatic rifle

They say: Gun-free zone
We say: Fish-in-a-barrel zone

They say: No one needs 'em
We say: Society needs for us to have 'em

They say: Look at the number of lives lost
We say: Look at the number of lives saved

They say: Look at the number of lives lost
We say: Look at which lives were lost

They say: If it saves one life
We say: Not if it costs my child's life