This Week's MMM Enews...know the enemy.


New member
From the MMM update: "The second annual Million Mom March
conference was a big success. We had nearly 100 Moms from
California to Maine attend."

Let's see, by their math, that means about 10 actually showed
up. I guess the others were all too busy shopping at WalMart to
kiss Sarah Brady's ass.


New member
Million Mom Marchers Network, Strategize and Share Success Stories at 2nd Annual Conference

The second annual Million Mom March conference was a big success. We had nearly 100 Moms from California to Maine attend, and the reaction was extremely positive. The Moms are returning to their local chapters full of energy and optimism about the Brady Campaign, and our shared goal of preventing gun violence. Thank you to all those Moms who attended!

100 million moms?
wow, where did they keep them all?

we had several people ask us at the protest who the MMM was & then ask "where they were marching?"

the million mom march
"the march that goes no where good"

Mrs. Woody6

New member

Only 100 moms showed up for this rally? How pathetic! :barf: I'm glad I wasn't one of them! :D

I had the honor of participating in the original MMM on Mothers' Day in 2000. My family and I (6 months pregnant with our fourth) went and rallied with the Second Amendment Sisters. I never saw such disrepectful and nasty people in all my life. I don't even think majority of the people on the MMM side had a clue as to why they were really there Hey - we even had the joy of booing President Clinton as he went by :)


You go Mrs. Woody!

hehe, I do have to be proud though. My girlfriend doesn't like guns, but she understands their use. When I mentioned Barbara Graham of the MMM, she said, "What's the Million Mom March?" hehe. :D