This week's MMM E News...know thy enemy


New member
Just when you think these vampires are dying, someone always comes along and feeds them some new blood.


New member
Cheer up. "A MA MMM had a letter to the editor published."

I've had about 100 published. Point: us.

They no longer have a contact address, except online. You know what to do.

I'm on their mailing list, and haven't received a mailing all year. Guess they an't afford to put out to people who don't give them cash.

BTW: as a public service, I think everyone should copy/paste your state gun laws from the state site, and email it to them, just to make sure they have an accurate copy. Especially if you live in a CCW state, just so they know. Also, laws change regularly, so update them monthly.

You can also donate online. It costs about 50 cents per donation, so any donations below that level cost them money. And you really SHOULD be on their mailing list...

I wonder if they are still using the same postage permit of

permit # 3947 Berkeley, CA
2550 NINTH ST STE 1065
BERKELEY, CA 94710-9975

Don't send them anything without permission--it might be illegal. We'd look bad if it was traced back to us.


New member
They say "ignorance is bliss"....however, I would like to know how people this stupid survive - better yet why do they survive...

I cannot conceive how anyone with functioning gray matter would allow themselves to be led around by the nose so blindly and when given the facts and stats on issues still believe this crap and continue to disseminate it to others....

Wish there was a way we could legislate intelligence when it comes to these morons - or at least declare them feral and allow us to cull the herds...

I got through a whole week fo the flu without barfing but after reading this site :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf:


New member
I read the opinion piece that was published and was sickened. To give a little background, a teenager was shot and killed in a subway station after refusing to give up a heavy gold chain to a couple of gangsta types. His mother didn't allow him to have things like that because she was afraid something like that would happen. Like a lot of kids, he wasn't a gangsta but emulated the dress. The mother blamed the chain, the MMMer in her opinion piece blamed the gun, and I blame the sick people who will kill over something as trivial as a gold chain.


New member
Thairlar - I blame a gutless society that will not take punks like this to task and shivers in the corner when the likes of Jesse Jackson and others play the trump card of Racism.

The real racists are people like Jackson himself that allows his own people to prey upon each other and then blames White Society for it....

Its like this idiotic lawsuit to make White middle class pay blacks for Slavery...that is well and fine but what about the millions of us Whities that are first generation here or still immigrants .....why should be pay for things commited when our ancestors were all still back in the old country.....and how come no one is suing the Black Tribes in AFrica that rounded up their brothers of other tribes and sold them to the slave traders....

Like your MMMoron blaming the gun when it was the last thing involved in a very long chain of incidents....