This spell's trouble


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Man Shot Dead As Bulletproof Magic Fails

Updated 12:18 PM ET March 15, 2001
ACCRA (Reuters) - A Ghanaian man was shot dead by a fellow villager while testing a magic spell designed to make him bulletproof, the official Ghana News Agency reported.
Aleobiga Aberima, 23, and around 15 other men from Lambu village, northeast Ghana, had asked a jujuman, or witchdoctor, to make them invincible to bullets.

After smearing his body with a concoction of herbs every day for two weeks, Aberima volunteered to be shot to check if the spell had worked.

One of the others fetched a rifle and shot Aberima who died instantly from a single bullet.

Angry Lambu residents seized the jujuman and beat him severely until a village elder rescued him, the Wednesday report added.

Tribal clashes are common in Ghana's far north, where people often resort to witchcraft in the hope of becoming invulnerable to bullets, swords and arrows.


New member
At least they took it out on the right guy, the jujuman who claimed more power than he had. If it had been the Christian Scientists, they'd have shrugged it off as the dead guy's lack of sufficient faith.




New member
Oh Crap! Now I have to wash all this concoction of herbs that my doctor smeared on me.

Back to the drawing board.

SW 586

New member
I think there's some merit to this theory. It should be subjected to a retest. I nominate Diane Feinstein to be the guinea pig. If it works, she can dispose of that little handgun she carries in her purse. If it doesn't work....oh well.


New member
Just found an appropriate quote from my files:

"Natives who beat drums to drive off evil spirits are objects of scorn to smart Americans who blow horns to break up traffic jams." -- Mary Ellen Kelly



New member mean this Kelvar Kreem that I purchased
in Africa doesn't work??? I've been ripped do
I get a refund on this??? :(


New member
Tests are spozed to be done in caution.

I had a buddy who decided he wanted to test how much break pressure could be applied to the front brake of his motorcycle before the front wheel locked up. He did this while traveling 70mph down the freeway. He failed to take into consideration all of the consequential events necessary in performing such a test. He did get an answer but I believe the results are inconsequential since the bike no longer has a front wheel.

Long Path

New member
Jane's right!

For a good sampling, we need to attempt to replicate this experiment at least, ohhh, 200 times to PROVE that the herbal concoction doesn't stop bullets. Maybe his was just applied wrongly.

Or maybe-- Maybe the BULLET had been similarly blessed, and they cancelled each other out! Okay! We need 200 volunteers, 200 rifles, and 200 shooters! C.Jane, got that batch o' herbs ready from the Quisenart? [Long Path dips Captain's wafer into the muck] Mmmmmm... herbal goooodness!



New member

Just friggin fantastic! I have been running around with this stinky crap smeared all over me for days now and it doesn't work? Meagen wont come near me because of the smell, Rylee points at me a says "poopy!" and the cat tried to bury me! ALL FOR NOTHING!

I'm really mad now.


New member

I hate to tell you guys this, but that "herb" you'be been spreading over your bodies is meat tenderizer. You're dealing with canibals here. Two more weeks and BLAM, you'll be shot too.


P.S. Save me a drum stick.

Brian Gibbons

New member
True Story

Last year there were two guys in Saskatchewan who tried a similiar stunt in order to verify the serviceability of an old military "not-so-bullet-proof" vest. A few broken ribs, (a shot gun was used), and a little bit of internal bleeding convinced the two that it wasn't such a great idea.
The police declined to lay charges as it was felt that being born that stupid was punishment enough ...
Poster Child for Birth Control...

I was working a late shift in the E.R. when we were advised of an incoming gun shot wound to the head...

Now, that kind of injury alert usually sends us scrambling. That was the case, until the transporting medics advised us that the patient was in "Bravo" condition, which ain't that bad for a head shot. Conscious, alert, breathing and stable.


The patient came in with one hell of a hematoma on his forehead, with a light indentation in the center. No bleeding at all.

After some questioning by the resident doc and the police, we finally got the story out of him.

Seems he and a buddy did a little drinking that night. The conversation turned to the WWII era helmet sitting on the shelf. One thing led to another and they decided to see if it could stop a bullet. So Rocket Scientist Number One puts on the helmet. RS#2 takes aim with a little .22 automatic and shoots RS#1 in the head from about 10 feet. Lucky for both of them it was a .22. It did manage to penetrate the helmet, but wasn't able to penetrate RS#1's skull. Now whether this was due to the helmet or to the guy's thick skull, I'm not sure.

There should be additional charges for "Playing With Guns While Drunk And Stupid", if you ask me.



"No, I haven't seen it all. Just the sick parts."
