This soundbite makes me cringe!


New member
"The rifle is off the street."
Who comitted these crimes, the man, or the inanimate object.
These people will never understand the flaw in their thinking will they? It really is sad.


New member
You're right about flawed thinking! It's just as bad as the article I read in today's NY Daily News: "...if the sniper had been forced to strangle each of his victims, they'd all be alive today." I had to read it three times because I couldn't believe I was reading it correctly.


Moderator Emeritus
The first time I heard that comment was from a member of the ATF. (No surprise)
The second time I heard that comment was from Alan Colmes on Fox News. (Again, no surprise)

I sat right down and penned a Press Release Parody...
Brady Campaign/Million Mom March Celebrate Chief Moose Getting Another Gun Off The Street

To: National Desk, Political Reporter
Contact: Amy Stilwell of the Brady Campaign, 202-898-0792

WASHINGTON, Oct. 25 /U.S. Newswire/ -- The following was released today by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence

The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence united with the Million Mom March today publically praised Montgomery County Police Chief Charles Moose for his success in getting another dangerous assault weapon off the streets. "One down, 239,999,999 to go." said Brady Campaign Chair Sarah Brady, clearly relieved that the long tense wait was over.

Brady has long been a champion of common-sense gun laws and believes that stronger laws could have kept this national tragedy from happening. "It is clear that if we had twice as many gun laws, the sniper would not have been able to kill so many innocent people." she said. "If only we could rid the world of guns, nobody would ever die again."

The Brady Campaign has also partnered with the ACLU in offering a $500,000 reward for information leading to the acquittal and release of the sniper suspect. "Mohammed was only doing what he was trained to do in the Army." said Jonathan Lowy of the Brady Center, "And since George W. Bush is the Commander in Chief of the Army, it is just like he pulled the trigger himself."

Brady added, "Every sensitive, caring American knows that it wasn't his fault. He's been called a 'serial loser' by the press. I know how much labels like that can hurt a person. There's no jury on the East Coast that would convict him." She also pointed out that, "Now that the gun is in the hands of the ATF, it will never again kill anyone on the street. Holed-up in a compound somewhere, maybe; but never again on the street."

After the fair trial and release of Mohammed, Lowy said that the Brady Center would ask the police to destroy the gun. "It is the only way we can be sure that Mohammed won't be forced to kill again." he said.


New member
I was irritated by that as well.

Although I think they said the "the weapon is in our possession" "Off the street" to let the public know that they had the killers without actually saying so. It was more reassuring than simply stating that suspects were in custody.


New member
What do yall suppose would have happened if the police had missed the suspects but managed to capture the rifle only. How long would it have taken or them to get another rifle?????????


David Park

New member
I watched the live press conference where this was said. It was in response to the question of whether the two guys in custody were the shooters. In other words, was it safe for the bedwetters to open their curtains and venture outside again. Chief Moose could not say "these are the guys" because they had not yet been convicted or even charged. He couldn't say "there are no other guys out there" because he didn't know if that was true or not. The only thing he could say for certain was that they had the rifle, it had been linked to the shootings, it was off the street, and it was up to you to decide whether that meant the shooters were also off the street.

So, while the quote sounds bad (and I cringed when I heard it) I understand the intent behind the statement and don't see the need to loudly complain about it. There are plenty of other comments being made about this case that deserve our loud complaining.


New member
She also pointed out that, "Now that the gun is in the hands of the ATF, it will never again kill anyone on the street. Holed-up in a compound somewhere, maybe; but never again on the street."

Living close to where the Waco Siege occurred, THIS was the quote that scared me....


Moderator Emeritus
seeker_two - That press release was a parody. She didn't really say that.

Of course, the fact that you could believe that she really said it speaks volumes about her credibility.