This should make you sick for the hollidays

John DR

New member
Take A look at this.............

WASHINGTON (Dec. 22) - John Kerry and Joseph Lieberman have the most support among Democrats when asked about the field of likely 2004 candidates for the Democratic presidential nomination, a poll suggests.

But Hillary Rodham Clinton would lead if she were to enter the field.

Among the current field of likely candidates, Democrats put Sens. Kerry of Massachusetts and Lieberman of Connecticut at 16 percent followed by Rep. Dick Gephardt of Missouri at 10 percent, with others in single digits. Twenty-four percent said they were unsure.

In an expanded field that included Clinton, the New York senator was the choice of 30 percent of registered Democrats in a Time/CNN poll released Saturday. Clinton aides have said consistently that she does not plan to run in 2004.

Trailing Clinton with 13 percent each were Kerry and Lieberman with others in single digits.

Previous polls of Democrats had put Al Gore, the 2000 Democratic nominee, at the top among potential 2004 candidates. When Clinton was included in those early polls, she was not far behind. Gore announced last weekend he would not run in 2004.

Such early polls are largely a measure of the public's familiarity with potential candidates.

Among the field of likely candidates, Kerry has formed an exploratory committee, Vermont Gov. Howard Dean says he is running and others say they will announce their intentions soon.

In hypothetical matchups against President Bush, Lieberman trailed 54-40 and Kerry was behind 55-40, according to registered voters surveyed.

The telephone survey of 1,006 adults, 18 and older, was conducted Tuesday and Wednesday, and had an error margin of plus or minus 3 percentage points, larger for subgroups.

12/22/02 08:39 EST


New member
Why would those numbers make me sick?

30% of democrats favoring Hillary? A mangy, arthritic, and rabid yellow dog in Texas could get 30% support of the democrats.

As for any "match up" polls, they're totally useless. In fact, this whole poll is because it just sampled adults instead of narrowing it down to likely registered voters.

Bob Ellison

New member
I could be wrong, but I donot think she will run until Bush is gone.
Why should she take the fall for the party when the others are out there to take the fall for her?


New member
If the poll sample was strictly Democrats, then Bush's 15 point lead over Kerry and Lieberman is encouraging. If those two hypothetical matchups were asked of the general public, then Bush would be in trouble.

And if Hillary were to run, she'd be breaking her promise to serve a full term. (Gee, what a surprise!) That would be powerful ammo against her.

God, how I hate that woman!


New member
Speaking of elections, anyone hear the talking heads today? It seems that the media has NEVER liked Al Snore, has never given him a fair shake and they are why Bush was elected and why he remains so popular today. Former-VP Snore decided that due to media bias, he could never overcome the media's fair-haired child, GWB.

P.S. Although the payback cost us greatly, such as closing the Orlando Naval Training Center, Florida didn't vote for Clinton! Of course, we still haven't figured out who we voted for in 2000.