This made me laugh, in a very sad way


New member
It would be laughable if it wasn't for the fact that it's anti gun nuts like this that are in congress, that believe their own rhetoric, and could very well try to push their strong anti-gun agenda agressively now that they have an administration that is much, much friendlier to their ideas.


New member
the first oe made me lol 2x ..but the second one..that is one that is scary..that kind of bs scares people into voting for stuff. Just because they make a bullet that can do that does not mean it is legal to own anyways by average joe public..hopefully someone there brings up that point so they can see it is just unnecessary to even bother with the bill in the first place based on a bullet average legal joe citizen cannot buy anyways.


New member
That's great........."I actually don't know what a barrel shroud is." and "heat seeking bullets." Those two look like complete fools to us, but heros to the anti gun people.

The scary thing is that the Oprah and Rosie groups hear this stuff and just go out and parrot it as a talking point. There is a lot of propaganda aimed at making guns scary and evil and these are two examples of it.


New member
Good! It's just that much easier to make them look like idiots!

That's just it, we know they are idiots, but does the rest of America?

A little misinformation can go a long way. "My god, heat seeking 50 caliber long range sniper rifles with barrel shrouds that can shoot down a moving 747 at over 10,000 yards? No one needs those, they should be banned."


Actually, it works for me. The cardinal rule of propaganda is it MUST be true. When the antis make demonstrably false, easily contradicted statements like these, they damage their own cause more than the NRA ever could. Once you lie, you will never be believed again.


New member
The first one is the source of the infamous "shoulder thing that goes up".

In the second video check out the hole in the muzzle brake. It doesn't look like a .50BMG, it looks like a .338 Lapua maybe. Might just be the lack of perspective.

From what I've heard about the .50BMG they should introduce a "Satellite Safety and Security Act".
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New member
Just remember, we as a people of this great nation, voted these people in office.

If only this wasn't true.

On another note, I was mugged by a "shoulder thing that goes up", so watch your back out there.


New member
Does anyone else remember the video of Diane Feinstein demonizing an AK-47 while trying to insert a pistol magazine into it?


New member
Does anyone else remember the video of Diane Feinstein demonizing an AK-47 while trying to insert a pistol magazine into it?

Oh my........... we must find that clip. My hate of Diane Feinstein runs VERY deep!
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New member
Speak for yourself. I didn't vote for any of them.

I said "we as a people". Whether you vote or you don't is your choice. But isn't it better to do something than to do nothing? The only way to get this dumb***es out of office is to vote them out!