This Little Rifle Tried To Give Me A Headache

Adventurer 2

New member
but I just quietly laughed and sent a massive chunk of copper and lead screaming waaaaaay down range. The manual says to not fire more than 4 rounds during an outing. The concussive blast from the muzzle brake was like a quick jab to the face. I can't stop smiling - what a blast, literally. If you ever get a chance to shoot a Barret 50 cal sniper rifle do not pass it up!


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Adventurer 2

New member
I hope I am not spreading rumors but that is what the owner told me. I believe him - the recoil is minimal but the blast from the muzzle brake is something I have only felt from explosives. This 50 cal is a single shot - I wonder if the semi-auto one has different characteristics? It probably didn't help firing it from an enclosed area (pickup bed). Definitely need ear plugs and earmuffs.


New member
I am still chuckling about that one!

Man-O-Man even a .270 will be a blast from a pickup box. Without a muzzle brake!


New member
In what bizarre universe does shooting a .50 cal from inside a pickup bed even sound like a good idea? Glad you survived, but blast overpressure of that magnitude is not good for your lungs even if you did manage not to break off every nerve ending in your ears. BTW, bone conduction becomes an issue at those impulse levels too and ear plugs w/ ear muffs won't save you from that.

Have fun with your gun, but if you're not fluent in ASL, get away from sound reflective objects before going back into battery.


New member
There was one of these at a recent MDShooters gathering at Delmarva. Wow! The concussive blast from the brake was impressive - definitely grin inducing - but probably not something I'd want to be close by for too long. The .50BMG FMJ rounds were also burning right through 1" railroad ties at 100yds.


New member
I was at the range a couple years ago and noticed something on the next range definitely making a big-a noise. I went over and he had a 50 bolt gun of some type, perhaps not Barrett type but still the big barrel(not as long) and muzzle break like a tank. He offered to let me shoot it. He said no biggie, recoil like a shotgun. So I sat down and set the crosshairs on the bull. Well the recoil is not bad at all. The overpressure and blast from that brake, however, sort of put me off 50 BMG. I could feel the blast smack my face, upper body, and it even opened up my sinuses. That is a weird sensation! Will stick to standard old fashioned stuff like 30-06, thankyou! At least I hit very close to the 10X! So it was not a total wimp out.


New member
The overpressure and blast from that brake, however, sort of put me off 50 BMG. I could feel the blast smack my face, upper body, and it even opened up my sinuses.
I was lucky enough to get a few shots through an Armalite AR50, and it was pretty much the same. I think I could feel the air in my lungs jumping in my chest, and I checked to see if my heart was still beating after each shot. The brake worked incredibly well though, recoil was very light (doesn't hurt that the rifle weighs 40lbs-ish either.)
The manual says to not fire more than 4 rounds during an outing.

I hope I am not spreading rumors but that is what the owner told me.

So first it was the manual, then it was the that owner said the manual said this. Either way, it is wrong. At the Barrett Long Range Basics class, you would be shooting 100 rounds in an outing.

There is no 4 round limit.


New member
Got to hit that lottery so I can get a Barrett. Fired my gunsmith's Croatian 50 BMG and got hooked. Was amazed that I've fired 12 gauge shotguns with bigger felt recoil. Them muzzle brakes really work.