THIS JUST IN! Geraldo Rivera "invents" .40 cal "service revolver"

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New member
Feel free to move this to a forum in which it is more appropriate, but I couldn't find one.

It seems Geraldo Rivera is in the gun-inventing business. Just got a news report on the (USUALLY excellent) Fox News Network. Our man Geraldo was reporting on the previous run-ins with law enforcement that the poor guy in Baltimore had, before he took "the last ride downtown".

Rivera reported that he had previously been detained for his own safety, for exhibiting "troubling behavior and utterances" while in the possession of several firearms, one of which was a (an I'm quoting Geraldo, here) "forty-caliber service revolver".

I know of ONE revolver made in .40 S&W, but it's a snubby, not a service revolver, and I've seen precious few of the snubbies. Sounds like a new invention that shows up in news reports once in a blue moon, like the dreaded "semiautomatic revolver" heard to be used in one or two gangland shootouts. Who KNEW that the Webley-Fosberry would become so prevalent on the streets ?

If reporters who are (ostensibly) on the side of lawful gun-owners don't get the gun terminology right, how can we possibly raise the bar for the reporters NOT on our side? THANKS, Geraldo. I hope you never cover any news item involving ME.


New member
Easy for us to spot !!!

If reporters who are (ostensibly) on the side of lawful gun-owners don't get the gun terminology right, how can we possibly raise the bar for the reporters NOT on our side? THANKS, Geraldo. I hope you never cover any news item involving ME.
They do stand out like a sore thumb and it's rare that you have "anyone" in the News media who knows much about firearms let alone report it. Even O'reilly gets it wrong. ...... ;)

Be Safe !!!


New member
Likely a typo or proof-reading error. I see far worse on a pretty much daily basis. Hell, in all the times I have been interviewed for TV news and even the time I had a feature article written about me and my family in a large metropolitan newspaper they never once got my name right.

What is so freakin' hard about "Mark"


New member
I would have thought he meant a 45. 45 is after all one of 10 possible 40's.
you are right that it's rare to hear anything close to accurate. My favorite is "automatic weapons" or "military grade" weapons. The military never carried anything as fine as 90% of my guns. Lol

James K

Member In Memoriam
It is better than the .9 caliber revolver or 45 millimeter pistol usually mentioned by the newsidjits.


I remember this dufus from the 60's. He was a jerk then and is still the same. Never got his facts straight. Remember Big Al's Vault??? Same as this.


New member
Um...did he specify it was from this century?

Rivera reported that he had previously been detained for his own safety, for exhibiting "troubling behavior and utterances" while in the possession of several firearms, one of which was a (an I'm quoting Geraldo, here) "forty-caliber service revolver".
Let's be realistic. Rivera isn't a gun person. Most journalists aren't. He came up in the ranks at a time when police carried service revolvers. Somebody in this case mentioned a "40 cal" gun, and he put the two phrases together.

Lots of folks make that mistake. He's not giving a lecture on gun safety or manufacturing, so the error really doesn't affect anything.


New member
Somebody should have pushed him in Al Capone's safe, and locked the door when they had the chance!!!
But it could have been worse. If Shepard Smith was doing the story he would have been crying his way through it!


New member

Geraldo is an idiot who ignores the truth and makes up stories as he talks.

He missed his calling as a carnival barker in front of a freak show.

I can't understand why TV networks keep putting him in front of a camera. He's an embarrassment.

Yes, I remember "Big Al's vault"....what a fraud...and with an ego to match Obama's.


New member
I have a newspaper clipping on my fridge from years ago me, my son and my fiancé playing at a park in Atlanta. beautiful photography and nice guy doing the interview. we talked for a few minutes, he explained what he does for the AJC but that photography was his passion/profession, but he has an OP-ED in the Sunday paper. we talked about him doing our wedding in the future. anyways, the names are crazy, my name is my son's first name and my wife maiden name, son's name is my first name and my last and mom's name is her name and my last name. no big deal,but the fact is, some of these reporters aren't reporters at all, and writing articles isn't even what they are trained to do, but he still had a job doing it. I can see how technical stuff gets jumbled around by these people that have never held a gun before. I also understand the rabid antigun journalism that uses incorrect terminology to incite fear and try to get the public on the left side of the line, not always the same, sometimes just an accident/stupidity on the journalist part.

my favorite was always the article about the lady using the hi-point carbine 12ga shotgun. even included pictures and not a single story could get that one right. the hi-point not looking like a pistol, AK or AR15, guess they just assumed it must be a shotgun.....I mean what else could it be. there are only pistols, shotguns, bolt actions and military style high-powered assault rifles, so it must be a shotgun


New member
This makes me think of an article I read on yahoo a few days ago. The article was about Colt's money issues and it said that Colt "recently got back into the 1911 business with their model R1 1911." These people do not seem to bother fact checking. I can't help but wonder if half of them are even qualified to be a journalist.

lee n. field

New member
I know of ONE revolver made in .40 S&W, but it's a snubby, not a service revolver,

Charter Arms Pitbull.

Taurus has (or had in the not too distant past) a .40 S&M snubby.

S&W 610.

That's what I know about.

Yeah, Jerry Rivers isn't a gun person, and is just stringing together a credible phrase from out of the midden of his memory.

At least, a ".40 caliber service revolver" is something possible.
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New member
James K-

What exactly are you trying to say????

I've been searching for a .9 cal revolver for years, plan to use it as a back-up to my 11ga. shotgun when hunting jackalopes. :D:D
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