This just can't be legal...


New member
I e-mailed my concerns to the fellow selling said items.

If I am not mistaken, a coke bottle full of rags and a hose clamp could be considered a silencer if used to "muffle the report" of a weapon.

A silencer equipped .22 cal Co2 operated rifle would be a class 3 weapon, if I read the law correctly.


New member
Its legal to silence airguns.. and thats the intended purpose of that silencer..

But the fact that he is mentioning that you can fit in on firearms, thats what might be questionable.

Colonel Klink

New member
Not a sting. Any state that allows class III weapons (full auto) allows silencers. Nevada is a good example. Want to shoot full auto machine guns? Next weekend is the Machinegun Shoot at Mustang Range outside Reno. For more information PM me.

I will be instructing at the range with the Uzzi, M16 and the Glcok 18.


New member
Klink, we know that silencers are legal. It is the way in which he is selling it that is questionable. Kinda like those that put guns for sale on ebay.


New member
Hey who knows, depending on the SCOTUS ruling on Stewart maybe it will be legal to make silencers for your own use in the 9th circuit! ;)

Colonel Klink

New member
jef Sorry about that. I'm just recently learning about full auto and class III. Last Sunday got trained in M16, Uzzi and Glock 18 for the Machinegun Shoot next weekend at the Mustang Range.
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New member
So how do you like the 18? I watched a friend pull the trigger on one once, now the range has a few holes in the cieling. Actually, that day, they got LOTS of holes in the cieling.

I hope to one day own a full auto. It is looking like that even if I move to a Class 3 friendly state right after college, even a lowly MAC will probably cost me over $5000 :(

Sadly, I'll probably never get the chance to own my own little rock-n-roll gun :(


New member
Per the ATF website:

A. §921(a)(24) The terms "firearm silencer" and "firearm muffler" mean any device for silencing, muffling, or diminishing the report of a portable firearm, including any combination of parts, designed or redesigned, and intended for use in assembling or fabricating a firearm silencer or firearm muffler, and any part intended only for use in such assembly or fabrication.

Numerous paintball silencers tested by the Firearms Technology Branch have been determined to be, by nature of their design and function, firearm silencers as defined in 18 U.S.C., Section 921(a)(24). An individual wishing to manufacturer a firearm silencer must receive prior approval from ATF by submitting an ATF Form 1 and paying a $200 making tax.

So, have to treat them just like any other suppressor. All the paperwork, all the hassle. S/F...Ken M


New member
Yeah, that is what I thought.

I couldn't find my ATF regs, do I asked here.

That would be a heck of a deal for $105...and no tax.

But add $10,000 and up to 10 years, well, that doesn't sound so good anymore.

I would hate to buy something I thought was legal and use it at the renge, only to find out that the guy at the next bench was a fed.

Of course, they would need to get a helicopter and 9 guys on overtime to come and raid me at 4am, because I didn't pay $200 in tax.



Are air guns considered firearms under the federal law? If they are then why don't you have to fill out the yellow form.

Number Two:
Numerous paintball silencers tested by the Firearms Technology Branch have been determined to be, by nature of their design and function, firearm silencers as defined in 18 U.S.C., Section 921(a)(24).

With Paintball Silences as the key word here.

Number Three: I may be crazy but I'm not even that crazy to bid/buy one.



Of course, they would need to get a helicopter and 9 guys on overtime to come and raid me at 4am, because I didn't pay $200 in tax.
Don't be fooled. They'll do it. Maintaining the appearance of control is more important than anything. The money they lose in the deal isn't theirs, anyway... it's all the taxpayers'. By raiding your house, they get to boost the number of evil-doers in their statistical summary, and those statistics are what control future budgets.

It's the same as why they'll run you through the legal system until you've run out of money or they've won, even though that game costs them a lot more money than a raid on your house.


Hate to say it but tyme is right.

For $200 dollars, and control, they will exhaust millions of dollars to get you... hell, just look at Waco and Ruby Ridge, money is no object to them, hell, you're the one paying for it.


*just a reality check all, don't get nervous. I'm the one that will fry for the above statement, not you.


New member
"But it fits perfectly for real gun with caliber .22."

Interesting choice of words. You don't suppose the seller lives in a country where it's legal?

His ad reads like the package for this multi-wrench I bought for a dollar: "The both pieces for you. It well fit for all nuts & bolts on a bicycle. The more steady, while in operation."



New member
It was on the "GunsAmerica" website.

But when I emailed the guy, expressing my concern, He replied "airgun suppressors need to be liscensed?"

Even if he is selling this from Norway or somplace like that, I would still get in a heap of trouble for buying it.