This is wild!!


New member
I saw one short news report that a few of the rich and famous are hiring their own mercs to go in and get OBL. They aren't playing by ANY rules and they are hiring some real nasty guys. They even said they will donate the reward the US has on his head to New York!!! This is not illegal according the the spokesman........................i luv it and wish em good hunting.


New member
If Michael Jackson is sending in

Arnold Schwarzenegger, we got em licked. Will take 2 hours though. Any longer and no one will sit through it.


New member
Bout 20 years ago our State Department took a veeery dim view of a private operation that was going to do sumpin bout our tuna fleet gettin hassled and hijacked by certain country south of us.


Jeff Thomas

New member
American civilians stopped terrorists on 9/11 with their bare hands. I have no problem with them getting the BG's in this case, although I would have concern they could screw up the operation ... more eyes and ears might not hurt, however.


New member
If the State Department takes takes a dim view of something you can be almost certain it's a pretty good idea. ;)


New member
awesome idea! I've heard a few good ones myself:

1. From the Neal Boortz show- IF these guys are killing themselves to get 72 virgins, why not send them the confinees of our female prison system. I doubt any would be virgins, but you get that instant gratification rather than having to die in a fireball.

2. I really liked my idea of a TFL expeditionary force. we can take advantage of the cheap airfares to anywherestan, take along some rifles, a credit card provided by some PO'd New Yorkers, and a satelite internet hookup, so we can have our ammo fedexed to us in blamblamstan from cole dist. or Each TFL'r goes in groups of 25 for two weeks of Osama season, and the one who gets him, gets his picture in the paper. My only demand is that the US Government let me bring back war trophies this time.

Oh, and I don't ever want to pay taxes again!

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Remember that funny little guy from Dallas? Short hair? Ears like a VW with the doors open? Some $4 billion in his billfold? P-p-p-pro? Sumpn like that?

Some U.S. folks held in northern Iran? Remember? They were rescued; our embassy folks weren't.

Ah, private enterprise!

:D, Art


New member
Does anybody have links to the full story on Perot's mission there? I've heard the story, but I'd like to get familiar with it....sounds like the guy has a pair in a major way.

- Gabe


New member
There is a great book that has the whole story. On Wings of Eagles by Ken Follet. It was written with close supervision by Perot so take that as you choose...There was a movie by the same name that was semi accurate but did fall into the whole Hollywood pitfalls...


New member
I forgot to mention this. The military man that lead the raid for Ross Perot was Col. Arthur “Bull” Simon who died shortly thereafter. He was involved on the failed Son Tay raid in Vietnam. He was in charge of the ground forces. Really an interesting raid, despite “failing” as far as accomplishing the mission it was extremely successful as far as storming an enemy prison camp and extracting with zero casualties. There were something like 200 practice runs on a replica camp, that had to be built and then dismantled in a matter of hours to avoid Russian satellites. Here is a link to the story of the Son Tay raid.