This is why you have to be careful with gun pictures!


New member

This scumbag has stolen pictures of my own handguns that I posted on this and other forums, and is posing as the legitimate owner/seller. These guns are NOT for sale by me or any other person. I have already contacted Gunbroker regarding this seller. If you recognize the high bidders please inform them that they are about to get screwed. I notice he has a bunch of guns for sale, and I suspect they are all fraudulent auctions as well.

Maybe posting pictures of guns on the Internet isn't such a good idea after all.

C Philip

New member
It's rather suspicious that he's selling so many high quality fire arms all at once with low starting bids, short, vague descriptions, and has no feedback. I also checked out the email address he gives and it appears to be to a nonexistent website. Thanks for reminding us how risky buying guns online can be. I'm glad you noticed this, I'de hate to see that guy get away with this scam. This is an important announcement, it should be stickied untill the matter is resolved so everyone sees it.


New member
you could get pictures from anywhere. i wouldn't sweat that. keep us posted on what gunbroker does regarding the seller.

i'm almost tempted to bid 10,000 on one under a bogus name and see what happens. wonder if i'm going to have to send him more money than necessary so he can send me a refund check from nigeria.


New member should mention it in the feedback section. I check and the guy has no feedback remarks from any other buyers.


New member
Trust me, I recognize my own photography and my own guns just as sure as I'd recognize my own kid in a crowd.

As it is, the auctions have all been closed. Not just the ones with my photos but all the other ones as well. Either somebody at Gunbroker intervened or the seller got wise.


New member
dsk, Were the serial #s obscured in your original photos as they are now? Good job on stopping this fraud prior to someone getting ripped, I would guess GB took the auctions down based on your notification.

That said, if you are not complicit in the crime you have no legal liability. It is a good idea to obscure serial #s on posted photos.

BTW..nice 1911s.:)


New member
Not saying this guy is a fraud or not....BUT.....If someone was trying to rip off people on an e-auction site, Why have an auction with a reserved price???:confused: :confused: :confused:


There wasn't a Reserve. Here's a quote from the description
As always all our auctions are true auctions with no reserve. It is one of several that we are selling to settle an estate.

I think the "Reserve" stuff got added when GB cancelled the auctions.


Smokey Joe

New member

short, vague descriptions
That'd do it for me, right there. If I still thought the seller might be valid, I'd e-mail him questions to clear up the vagueness. Since he doesn't have the weapons in hand, his follow-up e-mails (if any) would be necessarily vague.

Bingo. No bid.

BTW, I haven't had any trouble with the several firearms I've bought over the I'net--Gunbroker and other ways--due to wanting specific info from the seller. By the time I get around to talking money, I KNOW he's legit.

Like with everything, the more you do your homework, the more likely it is to work out right.


New member
Maybe posting pictures of guns on the Internet isn't such a good idea after all.

I hope you truly don't believe this.

Should we ban all images of women incase someone decides to sell a hot russian bride?


New member
I saw a rifle I was looking for on an auction site...but the poor fellow didnt have any feedbacK *sigh*. I asked him to send me some more photos of the gun....


New member
An individual tried to stiff me once on a firearm I won on the Gunbroker auction. I was lucky to get a detective half way across the country to pursue my case. Gunbroker was no help to either me or the detective. They would not even respond to my emails. :mad: Do not expect any help from GB.


New member
I too was ripped off by a Gunbroker sale and was also lucky enough to find an aggressive police detective who pursued the case and got my (and others) money back.

Gunbroker's so called fraud insurance is as worthless as snow skis on a Buick.
