This is why I keep her...


New member
So after a year of seeing her (8 months of which I spent planning the perfect proposal speech -- which got discarded in its entirety at the last moment, of course), I finally proposed to my girlfriend. She accepted, we're getting married October 25, 2003, in the woods behind our house.

(At this point the mods are wondering when BP is going to get to the gun-related part...wait for it... :D)

Right after that, the thread about CCW at your own wedding showed up here, and I mentioned it to her one evening on the way to dinner. She doesn't read TFL except when I point her at specific threads. I told her about the thread, and what some people had said. She asked if I was planning to carry at our wedding.

Now, she's gone from fence-sitting to being very pro-gun since we started seeing one another, but I wasn't sure how she'd feel about me packing on the way to the altar. So I sorta of mumbled a non-answer, whereupon she said, "Honey, I don't mind if you do; I was just curious! The only thing I don't like about you carrying is that sometimes when I hug you, your Beretta gets in the way." (I'm about 6', she's about 5', and I carry IWB at 3 o'clock, so the butt of the gun sometimes pokes her under her left arm).

I'm glad I decided to keep her... :cool:



New member
Brokenpaw, if you're now engaged, and going to carry at your wedding, may I respectfully suggest you view the seduction scene in Police Academy 2? :D :D :D


New member
Congratulations! I just got hitched last August. Its incredibly enjoyable coming home to a wonderful woman every single day. Don't forget to even out the trips to with gun shop with trips to Pier One Imports ;)


New member
Don't forget to even out the trips to with gun shop with trips to Pier One Imports
The root of my impending financial downfall is that I enjoy Pier 1 just as much as she does. And I enjoy fabric stores even more than she does.[0]

She really likes my AR-15. I'm going to have to buy her one of her own, before she mounts a pre-emptive strike and takes it away from me.


[0] You know you've been a Renaissance Faire actor/costumer too long, when you're sitting on a friend's couch, trying not to giggle because you realize that the fabric the couch is upholstered with is the same fabric that the guy playing Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, wears as a doublet. :D


New member
Congratulations, BP! It sounds like you made a good choice. Or just got lucky. ;)

Marriage, especially in the first few years, is great. Make every moment count.

Will Fennell

New member
Congrats and all that.....but

Congrats BP, but it sounds to me like she is TELLING[giving permission] you to get a smaller carry pistol......;)


New member
Congratulations. Sounds like a keeper.

Few (if any) realize the utter importance of finding someone who respects and gets along with your hobbies. Genuinely liking your spouse and their lifestyle is paramount to a successful marriage - actually it should supercede love.

Some may argue that, but all marriages are ebb and flow. There will be times when the sight of your spouse doesn't kindle anything even approaching lust, and it's precisely these times when the signal fades a bit that we rely on our spouse to be a good friend, a nurturing companion who will keep you close until the fire rekindles - and it always does.

Marriage is truly wonderful (don't let anyone tell you different), but it's also more effort than anything you'll ever do - as all great things may claim.
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Ed Brunner

New member
Marriage, especially in the first few years, is great.

Yes! And with luck and hard work, it gets better.
