This is what they all want


New member
The latest rash of anti-2A bills is out of the same play book. It's no coincidence that we have all these states in trouble. The Administrations allies like Bloomberg have been waiting for a horrible tragedy to act. What they want to do is take away every gun but they are afraid to do it all at once. Well, it almost happened in NY and it will happen there once New Yorkers have to register their guns after this year. We will be witnesses to a state rounding up legal gun owners weapons, something most of us have said at one time or another would never happen in this country. In NY is was part of the proposed bill but was removed. Probably to give the state time to compile the database of gun owners. Here it in their own words as one Dem Rep. tries to tell a Republican Rep. to keep the confiscation part on the down low.

Recently, the state of New York passed one of the toughest gun control laws in the country, but according to GOP Assemblyman Steve McLaughlin, Democrats wanted to confiscate guns and magazines. Worse yet, one Democrat pleaded with McLaughlin to keep the proposals from the public.

Dr Big Bird PhD

New member
Drive by, and this was already posted and closed.

Edit: I assume that every AWB bill has the word confiscation tossed around in the committee before its formerly presented.

Strafer Gott

New member
Doesn't matter how many times it's closed on however many forums. Information gets out, along with truth, lies, damnable lies, and facts. If something goes down in the dead of night, how would a little more light hurt.
All we are getting is an after the fact view of the crime. This might sound like some of your day jobs, if you get my drift.


New member
I can understand why the other might have been a drive by as I only posted a link without explanation, however, I think this corrected version is hardly a drive by post.

Also, most AWB proposals do not have a detailed process and procedure to confiscate weapons in the final drafts before being heard.

And further, people had better stop being indifferent about the ground work that these bills lay for the next round. Just because confiscation was not in the final version is a far cry from it not being in the next one once registration and universal background checks pass.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
The first was closed as a drive-by and this has commentary - which makes it ok.

Of course, confiscation is part of the long term scheme. I read an article on CT where is said that the antigunners want to get cooperation on the easy stuff first as to move to more stricter legislation later.
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