This is VERY uncool.


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>This Declaration calls for "a fair distribution of the earth's resources" (from the United States to the rest of the world, of course), and for the "eradication of poverty" by "redistribution [of] wealth and land."
One World United Under a UN Communist Dictatorship: The UN Earth Charter
by S. Fred Singer, Ph.D.
Grandiose plans are underway for the 55th annual gathering of the United Nations General Assembly in New York City September 5-9, 2000. Titled the Millennium Assembly and Summit, it is scheduled to take at least two actions designed to turn the corner from a world of sovereign nation-states to a world of disparate peoples subordinated to the supreme authority of the United Nations.

The two actions expected to be taken by consensus are adoption of the Earth Charter, a document whose text has evolved through several drafts since the Earth Summit in 1992, and adoption of a declaration authorizing a new UN commission to implement the various recommendations necessary to bring about global governance.

The Earth Charter's advocates speak of it as though it were the "Magna Carta" of a new regime, but it's not a regime of freedom from arbitrary kings like King John at Runnymede in 1215. It's a charter for submission to global bureaucrats possessing unprecedented powers.

The UN Millennium meetings could draw more media than the presidential debates, and the candidates should state whether they are for or against these radical UN goals.

A portion of the Millennium Assembly is designated as the Millennium Summit, which President Clinton and 160 heads of state are expected to attend, the largest gathering of heads of state in history. Also meeting at the same time at the New York Hilton will be Mikhail Gorbachev and his State of the World Forum, hoping to help induce heads of state to concur in the Millennium Assembly's historic actions.

The Earth Charter demands that we adopt "sustainable development plans and regulations" (i.e., to subordinate human needs to global fads enforced by environment dictators), and that the UN "manage the use of renewable resources such as water, soil, forest products, and marine life . . . [to] protect the health of ecosystems" (i.e., not the health of mere humans).

The Charter affirms that "all beings are interdependent" (i.e., personal freedom is irrelevant) and "every form of life has value regardless of its worth to human beings" (i.e., animals, plants and insects). The Charter demands that we "ensure universal [i.e., global] access to health care that fosters reproductive health [i.e., abortion and contraception] and responsible reproduction [i.e., UN-dictated population control]."

The Charter demands that we "act with restraint and efficiency when using energy" (i.e., lower U.S. energy use and standard of living). The Charter requires that we "eradicate poverty," "promote the equitable distribution of wealth within nations and among nations," and "relieve them of onerous international debt" (i.e., redistribute wealth around the world).

The Charter exhorts us to affirm "gender equality" and "eliminate discrimination in ... sexual orientation" (i.e., adopt the feminist and gay agendas). The Charter demands that we "integrate into formal education [i.e., assign a UN nanny to monitor our schools] ... skills needed for a sustainable way of life [i.e., indoctrination in how we must subordinate sovereignty to the UN dogma of sustainability]."

The Charter demands that we "demilitarize national security systems" (i.e., eliminate our armed services and their weapons [as only the U.N. will need a military]). The Charter concludes by proclaiming that the "Way Forward" requires "a change of mind and heart" as we move toward "global interdependence and universal responsibility." Also to be considered by the Millennium Assembly and Summit is a lengthy Declaration, developed by 1,000 UN-accredited non-governmental organizations (NGOs), called "Strengthening the United Nations for the 21stCentury."

This Declaration calls for "a fair distribution of the earth's resources" (from the United States to the rest of the world, of course), and for the "eradication of poverty" by "redistribution [of] wealth and land." It demands that we "cancel the debts of developing countries."

The Declaration demands the disarmament of all conventional and nuclear weapons, the prohibition of "unilateral deployment of nationwide missile defense by any country," and a "standing Peace Force" (i.e., a UN standing army).

It calls for a "UN Arms register" of all small arms and light weapons, and "peace education" covering "all levels from pre-school through university." Peace meaning that if you resist U.N. efforts to enslave you--that is, you are not "peaceful"--they can blow your head off and your "demilitarized"

The Declaration demands UN "political control of the global economy so that it may serve our vision," and that we "integrate" the World Trade Organization under UN control. It calls for "eliminating" the veto and permanent membership in the Security Council [so they can kick out the U.S.?].

The Declaration calls for implementing UN treaties that the United States has never ratified, including the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (which denies the right to private property). The Declaration calls for the unratified International Criminal Court to exercise "compulsory jurisdiction" over all states, enforced by the UN Security Council.

This Declaration also calls for the UN to impose direct taxes such as "fees on foreign exchange transactions (i.e., the Tobin Tax).

Comment: Comments may be superfluous, except to remind that this is the logical outcome of the 1992 Rio UN conference that gave us the Global Climate Treaty (and Kyoto Protocol). Support comes from the sort of people that signed the Morelia Declaration. (You have to read it to believe it.)

Fred Singer is internationally known for his work on energy and environmental issues. A pioneer in the development of rocket and satellite technology, he devised the basic instrument for measuring stratospheric ozone and was principal investigator on a satellite experiment retrieved by the space shuttle in 1990. He was the first scientist to predict that population growth would increase atmospheric methane--an important greenhouse gas. Now President of The Science & Environmental Policy Project, a non-profit policy research group he founded in 1990, Singer is also Distinguished Research Professor at George Mason University and professor emeritus of environmental science at the University of Virginia.[/quote]

"Anyone feel like saluting the flag which the strutting ATF and FBI gleefully raised over the smoldering crematorium of Waco, back in April of ‘93?" -Vin Suprynowicz


New member

It calls for a "UN Arms register" of all small arms and light weapons, and "peace education" covering "all levels from pre-school through university." Peace meaning that if you resist U.N. efforts to enslave you--that is, you are not "peaceful"--they can blow your head off and your "demilitarized"



Staff Alumnus
Sadly, in my line of work, I've noticed most Phd's are geniuses but lack common sense. Another case in point. *sigh*


New member
In the 50s, those of who screamed about this were considered lunatics.

"Less government, more individual responsibility"....JBS

Sam I am, grn egs n packin

Nikita Khrushchev predicted confidently in a speech in Bucharest, Rumania on June 19, 1962 that: " The United States will eventually fly the Communist Red Flag...the American people will hoist it themselves."


New member
The other problem with PhDs is that they expect "regular" people to unquestionly respect their vocal opinions because the have PhDs.

Maybe us uneducated lumpin proletariates need to get some fancy sheepskins to hang in our offices to show how smart we are.

The TFL diploma!



New member
The problems stemming from poverty, and violence throughout the world have been solved by the United States already. If these countries would hold inviolate the right to property, and enforce contracts, and give all people in the world the right to KBA's, you'd see poverty, and ignorance disappear. Poverty is a relative term. For instace: There is not poverty in the United States. Yep, I make that statement pretty boldly. Those who choose to compete in our system can. Even uneducated people can succeed by putting forth effort to correct deficiencies that cause their lack of material goods. I see a lot of folks who don't have great educations out there mowing grass, and for quite a few of them, they're making more money than I am. It doesn't take a college degree to be successful. Bill Gates is a case in point. The chronic homeless are almost always homeless by choice. I haven't met a single homeless person who was that way and genuinely wanted to fix the problem.
Now if I go a few hundred miles South into Mexico, there you will find genuine poverty, and genuine violence against citizens. In Mexico, there is no respect for private property, there is no contract that will be honored if the Government needs to violate it, and the living conditions are awful.
There isn't much America can do beyond having set the example for the world to follow. Other countries either choose our system, and prosper, or they reject our system, and beg for money from us.
Here's my election promise when I become President: I will not send one penny of taxpayer money to a foriegn country where the people are not permitted to keep their own small arms and ammuntition. Nor will a penny go to a country that doesn't respect private property or contracts. To do otherwise is throwing good money after bad, and only serves to keep dictators, and tyrants at the helm, and keep human beings separated from their inalienable rights.
There you have it, Maybe in twenty years, I'll be able to impliment my policies from the oval office. :D


New member

You got my vote !


The UN provides that warm .gov fondeling feeling that the sheeple crave, never has there lived on earth a mass of people who so desprately want to be fondeled by their own goverments. The .gov is their mother, father, friend, master, keeper, supplier of needs, justifier and in the end it will be their murderer also, just as it has been throughout history. What a bunch of fools they are.


New member
lessee...I post info like this and get told I'm 'paranoid'. Someone who is near Yosemite [Inter]national Park drop in there and take a picture of the sign that is behind the bench at either the check-in area or maybe the visitors center.

Next-KJM, how many homeless people you hang out with? I was homeless and I knew a lot of homeless or near destitute people. Some certasinly could have been doing a LOT better but they were usually the alkies, junkies and such. Many had serious problems whether mentally or physically. That statement about "The chronic homeless are almost always homeless by choice. I haven't met a single homeless person who was that way and genuinely wanted to fix the problem."

is IMHO crap.

Now the last part of your statement about not sending money to foreign .Govs I definatly agree on.

Satanta, the Whitebear
Sat's Realm:

My Disability petition:

Keiller TN

New member
Look around the world and you will see that nations with resources are not always prosperous. If fact there is very little connection between the two. So, giving lots of money to the poor nations with resources would be an exercise in foolishness. Socialism has had abundant opportunity to solve this problem, but, alas, as Jesus said, " . . .the poor always ye have with you . . ." (John 12:8) He is right and nothing man does will change it.

"Unless the Lord builds the house, they labour in vain that build it:
except the Lord guards the city, the watchman stays awake in vain." (Psalm 127:1)

"Freedom is given to the human conditionally, in the assumption of his constant religious responsibility."
(Alexander Solzhenitzyn)


New member
Switzerland, in the eighteenth and nineteenth century, was a poor
country by then-current standards (oh yeah, that's where all these
Lukinbills, Buehlers, Oetlikers and many others come from). We have
very few resources except water, and our landscape.

Yet, today, we're amongst the richest countries of this world. Why? We
invest in our brains. We hold up freedom. We more or less respect the

kjm is partly right. However, the state must also care for these who,
by common standards, cannot care for themselves. RKBA reduces crime,
but a correct socio-economic environment is as good. Combine both and
you have Switzerland.


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by C.R.Sam:
In the 50s, those of who screamed about this were considered lunatics.

You got that right! Only now people who scream about it are told to wear tinfoil hats and watch out for black helicopters. Times change but sheeple don't.

Idaho Mike

New member
Charity to the Third World is useless. I once read that if the per-capita income of the entire world were distributed evenly, it would come to about $480 apiece!

Conclusion, even we gave away everything we have to the world's poor, it wouldn't make a bit of difference, except to drag down the industrialized countries.

Population control is the only answer.


I lived in a tent for about 2 years.I guess you could have called me homeless.It is very hard to get out of that situation.I found jobs and worked my way out of that situation.But it isn't easy.Hard to find a job if you can't take a shower every day or have enough money to wash your clothes in a washer.
Some are their because they want to be be but many are not.
Have you ever lived in a tent in the winter with the temps down to -5 ?
Try it.It is a education.

Bob--- Age and deceit will overcome youth and speed.
I'm old and deceitful.