This is the day, NEW SIG 228


New member
Well, after much time, effort, and saving (food becoming optional) today is the day when I get to pick up my new SIG 228. Wish me luck gents. I will post a range report once I clean the factory gunk off of it and take her out for a spin (get it? Rifling? Spin?).

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
Congrat's on the purchase of your Sig P228, AA my
friend!:cool: I'm sure you will quickly become a fan
of a really nice weapon.:D And many thanks for
buying a Sig.

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member


New member
great gun

The 228 was the first Sig I ever owned, still got it, pre-ban with two 13 round mags, one of them still in the wrapper. Sigs are great guns, top of the line on fit and finish, and accurate as hell.


New member
:eek: :D :eek: :D :eek: :D

That's all I have to say. This thing is a thing of beauty. After I removed all of the factory Cosmoline, I just sat and stared. I haven't even fired it and I know this is a decision I will not regret. I'm going to shoot it tomorrow and I will post a range report tomorrow.


Moderator Emeritus
My favorite SIG.

If you love your P-228 half as much as I love mine, you'll be a happy man, indeed. :)


New member
My friend had a Sig P228 that he loved, but was stolen when someone broke into his apartment :mad: He ended up getting the P239 he has now, but he still wishes he could get his P228 back.

I've gone through a P239, a SigPro, and the P226 I have now. I love the P226, I liked the P239 and the SigPro, but I'm not upset over trading them.

Walther P99

New member
Congrats on the P228

I've noticed the P228 is no longer listed in the SIG product line, but appears to have been replaced (?) with the P229.

What 's the difference between the two guns? Sizewise, how does the P228 compare to the P229?


New member
Sizewise, they are about the same. The 229 has a stainless milled slide with shorter slide serrations. It is also about an ounce heavier than the 228. The 228 has the classic folded stamped slide with pinned-in block. Some say the 228 balances better than the 229, and I'd have to agree. The two models can use the same mags (if 9mm). The 9mm 229 frame is virtually identical to the 228.

Walther P99

New member
Is milled steel stronger than stamped, or is there a difference? I read somewhere than milled steel is stronger than stamped, but I'm not sure if this is correct.


New member
The milled is stronger, to handle the higher pressure chamberings of .40 and .357. The stamped slides use a breech block for stregnth in the breechface area. Milled slides do away with that two-piece design.

The 228 is as strong as need be, though. Mine's great. :)

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
I'm with the crowd that believes that the P228
balances a bit better; as the P229 seems a bit top
heavy to me!

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member


New member
If you hold an empty P228 than a P229 you'll notice the weight difference. Load and use them at the range and the weight difference disappears. I prefer the stainless slide because it resists corrosion better. YMMV