This is kinda creepy...


New member

JULY 7--One of the Columbine High School gunmen prepared a report on the danger of guns in schools more than a year before carrying out a deadly attack on teachers and fellow students. Eric Harris's December 1997 school report was included in more than 900 pages of Columbine-related documents released yesterday by Colorado investigators. In grading the Harris report, a copy of which you'll find below, a Columbine teacher judged it "thorough & logical" and gave the paper a 69 out of 75. Noting that, "a school is no place for a gun," Harris concluded that the use of metal detectors and an increased police presence "are a great start to fight against guns in school." On April 20, 1999, Harris and Dylan Klebold--armed with shotguns and semiautomatic weapons--murdered 12 classmates and a teacher before killing themselves. (5 pages)

The report is included in the page...

Any thoughts?


Sounds like his recon, converted into a benign schoool report. Or possibly a cry for help, but we will never realy know when the idea for the attack entered their minds. This could have also been the very thing that opened up their minds to the possibilities.