This is getting crazy

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New member
Due to the recent shooting, AR's are getting pretty difficult to find around here. The local gun shops are out. Prices are going to go through the roof now. My cousin in PA called and said the same thing was happening there. Seems like everyone is expecting a ban to hit. Maybe we should all be contacting our local representatives and letting them know that if they enact a ban of any type, that we'll be remembering it during the next election cycle.


New member
My goodness Ron, Where have you been for the past 5 days? This forum has 30-40 threads on this topic and over at there have been over 80k posts on the subject.....literally page after page after page. :confused:
Go to the "General Discussions" section of this site for lots of information and a lot of conjecture.
Just wait for the prices to drop. 2010 was a great time to buy.

Of course I picked up some great deals on non-tactical guns in 2008. Haven't seen too much of that this time around.


New member
I learned my lesson in 08. I was ready this time. I dont need anything. I have plenty of guns, ammo, and magazines. People buying now I feel sorry for.


New member
I bought my Colt M4 *just* in time in august. Usually I feel a small pang of guilt for spending money on a new gun but not this time :)
What the next piece of gun legislation contains is all pure conjecture at this time. My guess is it will contain every thing the last one did and a whole lot more. No auto expire date for sure. Large capacity mags for handguns and rifles. Limited or no mail order ammunition so that buyers name can be recorded and verified. Some sort of purchase clearing house so that multiple purchases can be identified over a period of days. But like the last one, it will have little if any effect on shootings. Hence they, the gov, will seek more restrictive laws until the finally get a complete ban. I'm 66 so I may not see it, but its going to get here eventually. Lets face it, the fathers put the second amendment in the constitution to protect us from the gov.


New member
I shot AR-15's in 200 and 600 yard competition for many years but have had physical issues that made me stop shooting matches. Just this week, I've had offers to sell my rifles. It's hard to let go of activities that you can't do any more but I'm grateful for the experiences that I had.

To the young guys.....bite the bullet, get involved in competition and do it while you're young. There may come a time when you can't.

As to regulations, I'm 66 and I plan to shot rifles, pistols and shotguns until I can't any more. I fought a good fight but our society has turned into a "have" versus "have not" conflict. I am in the latter category and expect the rich ones to keep beating us into submission. My vote counted for absolutely nothing in November and I expect that to continue. We don't count as citizens anymore and they want us to know that.

I'm going to drop off of the map and just do my thing.



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