This is buggin' me

River Rat

New member
I have purchased firearms on two occasions within the past nine months. Both times my paperwork was placed on "delay" by the computerized background check system. Yesterday, I was told by the sales gal that the Virginia State Police have been doing that in every case with people who have CCWs.

This makes no sense. The guy beside me who didn't have a CCW had his transaction pass thru in about 10 minutes. It took mine 30 minutes. Why do I receive increased scrutiny for already having a thorough background check (plus a security clearance, but that doesn't count, I'm sure)?

Is there another explanation for this? This just seems WRONG and it really burns my ass!


New member
Sounds like a load of bunk to me from the salesperson, but what do I know. It's pretty quick where I am as well. What I do know that may be similar to your area is that if you share a surname with someone, related or not, who has had recent run-ins with the law, the computerized system will spit back a "temporary denial". The dealer than has to call it in manually and speak to a person to verify. Happened to me twice this past month.


Moderator Emeritus
I'd be skeptical about anything the clerk tells you.

Although I have been put on hold once recently for a couple days; the operator on the other end told my employee they needed to "check me out".

I guess the fact that I was buying a gun every couple weeks made some alarm buzz someplace at TICS or NICS. What did they expect? I worked at a gun store, for heaven's sake; did they think I was there for the 401k?


New member
Tamara said:
did they think I was there for the 401k?

Ironically, the guns in your collection are probably worth more than your 401k or IRA right now... :D

On retrospect, I think that was probably happening to me as well with my gun-buying and trading spree lately. The delay was no longer than a few minutes though, but it has always been almost instantaneous on other occasions.


Moderator Emeritus
re: 401k

I was just telling a friend the same thing. I'm mostly into old Smith revolvers, Colt autos, and Mauser or U.S. military rifles, and steel & walnut has definitely outperformed the market over the last couple years, if you knew what you were doing. (Of course, collectibles have always done good in inflationary times...)


Moderator Emeritus
LightningJoe said:
Move to Texas. If you've got a CHL, they don't have to call anybody to check you out.

Maybe he likes living in a state that won't revoke his carry permit if the wind blows his jacket open and will let him CCW whatever pistol or revolver he wants?

B. Lahey

New member
I used to get delayed on hangun purchases every once in a while. Never for rifles, oddly enough.

Hasn't happened in about a year, though. Never did figure out why, I guess some criminal on the run may have had a similar name and sometime in the last year they got him locked up, or someting like that.

They always called back within an hour or two with the "proceed" notification, so it must have been something relatively easy to clear up.

I know it's annoying, but don't let it get you steamed. Anger is not going to get you your gun any quicker.


New member
Maybe he likes living in a state that won't revoke his carry permit if the wind blows his jacket open and will let him CCW whatever pistol or revolver he wants?

You are laboring under an unfortunate set of misapprehensions. I guess. We don't have open carry, that's true, but the wind isn't an issue in and of itself. As for carrying whatever pistol or revolver he wants, I don't understand what you're getting at.


Moderator Emeritus
LightningJoe said:
You are laboring under an unfortunate set of misapprehensions. I guess. We don't have open carry, that's true, but the wind isn't an issue in and of itself. As for carrying whatever pistol or revolver he wants, I don't understand what you're getting at.

I know, I know, Texans always act shocked when folks point out that their CCW laws are actually notso-hotso. I mean, sure, TX has better CCW laws than, say, NY or IL, but it has worse totin' laws than any state I've lived in as an adult (GA, TN, IN).

Here's a couple of nuggets I was referring to from your very own Texas Department of Public Safety. Take it up with them, not me.

Texas Department of Public Safety said:
Q: What does "concealed" mean?
A: "Concealed" means that the weapon cannot be visible, and that
presence cannot be discernible through ordinary observation. It is a
criminal offense for a license holder to carry a handgun in plain view,
or to intentionally fail to conceal the weapon.

Q: What type of handgun will I be able to carry?
A: You may carry any type of legal, concealed handgun you are
qualified to use. If you wish to carry a semi-automatic weapon, you
must complete your firing range test with a semi-automatic. If you
demonstrate handgun proficiency with a semi-automatic handgun,
your license also entitles you to carry a revolver. If you do not wish to
carry a semi-automatic, you may test with a revolver.


New member
dumb question, whats a CCW?

Not a dumb question. There are probably a coupla hundred lurkers on right now asking themselves the same thing. ;) CCW = Carrying a Concealed Weapon or Concealed Carry Weapon. Generally, when you see the term "CCW" used on firearms forums, folks are talking about the license or permit to carry a concealed weapon. CCW can also sometimes refer to the weapon itself. Depends on the context of the post.


New member
Take it up with them, not me.

I'm aware of the law. I can carry any handgun I want. So can anybody else. If you wanted to get a license that restricted you to "not-semiautomatic" you could, but why?

Yes, as I said, we don't have open carry. That's bad. But you said something about the wind exposing your gun and getting your license suspended. I haven't heard of that happening. To my understanding, it's kind of like disturbing the peace. You can't display your firearm in a manner intended to cause alarm.

Texas generates a lot of obvious envy out there. Is it our economy? The beautiful women? What?


Moderator Emeritus
Let's see... Some anonymous guy on the intarw3bz named "LightningJoe" says it's no problem if folks see your gun, but the Tejas DPS says otherwise... Who should I believe? Hmmm... :confused:

LightningJoe said:
Texas generates a lot of obvious envy out there. Is it our economy? The beautiful women? What?

I don't know what you're talking about. We can open carry in bars here. We also don't need to take a "training course" to get a CCW permit. We can get a lifetime permit for less than $150. There's certainly none of this garbage about "qualify with a revolver and you can only carry a revolver". ("Qualify"?!? Was ist das "qualify"?)

Go on and believe that you live in the hairy-chested West if it makes you feel better, though... :)


New member
OK. So you don't have to have any training and so forth. I think that's wonderful. Your attitude says something, though. Not sure what. I assume you're over 20. That's bad. Something wrong in there somewhere. Have a nice life in Indiana. I'm sure you're happy (although you don't sound like it).


New member
River Rat,
I'm a Virginian with a carry permit, and I happened to buy a gun this week. It took the normal 10 minutes. If it takes longer every time, then there is something they are examining or checking closer than usual, or you're just catching them at a slow time. Your permit has nothing to do with it. Next time you buy from someone, ask them why the check took longer. It is usually a technical delay or a similarity in your I.D. with an undesirable person.

The "sales gal" fed you a load of crap.


Moderator Emeritus

Move to Indiana. Then if you have a license to carry, you won't have any of that nonsense either. :)

Oh, wait, is that obnoxious of me to say?

Well, it's what you told the first guy to do...