This is a setup yall!!!


New member
I been trying to gleen thru all the reports on our current dilema and some things dont make sense here. Im begining to think that OBL didnt actually ordered the WTC attacks. I dont doubt that some of his associates may have, but I dont think he was the mastermind here. Seems like as cocky as he is, if he did it he'd be braggin about it. Its great PR in his part of the world.
Whoever planned it wants OBL to take the fall for some reason, and anticipating our response they want our military in the region. Whoever did this has plans for us once we respond I'm sure. What that responce could be i cant tell u. But staging US troops in Pakistan would be about as safe as staging them in Bagdad. We will be surronded aon all side with hostiles. We'd have to have ground troops to protect our ground troops. It wouldn't take much for someone to devastate alot of our guys. Someone is setting up the US for the same humiliation the USSR got there in the 80s.
More evidence something is wrong is the Chinese catching some 'terrorist' dispatched from Afghanistan to Hong Kong to attack American interest just when in the hell did the Chinese decide to do us any favors??China also just became "official friends" of the Taliban.........(getting funkie aint it)
I just hope our Pres can read thru all this crap...I do feel we are being set up here. Get ready for more stuff to break stateside very soon...there are lots more of the 'enemy within'. I feel they will wait a week or so for things to cool down a a bit, then goad us again. Methinks they also derailed that amtrack in the midwest last week. There just werent enuff dead to get any press.


New member
Good thought. Suck us into an ambush. An old trick. Get our troops and assets concentrated someplace, then let all hell break loose. Something like the Beirut fiasco with the Marine Corp barracks explosion.

Knowing how our dumb-butt officer corps thinks, they will station troops without more than adequate protection so as not to irrate the Pakis.

We will probably station troops and weapons at Paki installations and hope the Pakis will protect them. Fat chance!

I hope I am wrong, and these comments are stupid, but I would not be surprised in the least bit if something bad and preventable happens.


New member
I have thought of this too. Consider this little tidbit: You are a Fundementalist Moslem ready, willing, and about to die for Allah in the Holy War against the Great Satan. Do you leave your copy of Holy Quran in your hotel room, or seat of your car, or on a barstool where you have been partying the night before!!! I think not!!!!!!!!

Long Path

New member
Denfoote-- yes, you do. Terrorism is supposedly to make a point. If you are religiously motivated, you will leave such a trail to point to your motivations.

Even if Bin Ladden didn't do this one, he was bought and paid for after other attacks, such as the USS Kohl, or the bombings in Somalia, both of which he does take credit for.


New member
If we put ground troops in Pakistan, I believe we'll find out very quickly where Pakistan has their limited nukes. They have nukes, just no way to deliver them. What better way to deliver them than have your target come to you?
I also believe we have the correct people in charge to understand fully the risks involved.


New member
I doubt that pakistan wants to see what a dozen MX missles could do to their country and if so I guess there is a good chance of WWIII and of the survivors Id bet few if any are pakistani.

Good thoughts on a ambush though and a possibilty but its suicide for most or all of the country doing it.

I also think if pakistan wanted us that bad they could put a nuke aboard a ship and pull into a port on our eastern coast and attack that way.


New member
Well, if history is any indicator, the militant muslims have been trying to bring down Israel for going on 50 years now, and they have done badly. For the most part, the bad guys target civilians, with a few glaring exceptions. What you may be looking at is a Vietnam styled small unit action, followed by at least one major attempt to meet us on the battlefield in an attempt to get the population to rise up.
Bottom line-if you are hunting people and not holding real estate, you risk a body count war. That doesn't play well around here.
The Muslim countries who say they want to cooperate can suddenly change their minds and/or tack on a bunch of restrictions, and your options are limited to going along with their nonsense, pulling your troops out, or taking over their turf.
I was in Saudi through last winter and spring, and the days of the American being the good guy for fighting their war is long gone. The people like Bin Laden even though the royal family does not.


I think the possiblilities are high that some sort of double cross is in the works. I hope GW is getting this from his advisors.

Personally, I think the safest way to wage this war is to start from the mediterranean coast of syria and lebanon and fight our way straight across to afganistan from there, taking every scrap of land between there and where ever OBL is.

The Israelis have proven one thing over the years, these wild-eyed islamist extreamists only understand one thing, strength. We need to hit them hard, we need to hit a lot of them, we need to send them 100 times as much pain as they have caused, and we need to thin out the population that is spawning such garbage as OBL. Once lebenanon, syria, iraq, iran, and afganistan are ours, we never give those lands back. Only countries that assist in the coalition forces will be given any of the benefit from the spoils of the war.

IMO anything short of this will only breed a new generation of terrorists. Any new terrorists from the islamic jehad we simply annex their countries next and add them to the pile of occupied territories. Eventually they will have no where left to hide and we will win.

P.S. In WWII we would have occupied mainland Japan if they had not surrendered. This would have wipped out many japanese for whom surrender was not an option. We have to have that same resolve today and hit these enabling countries with a decisive, massive blow that they will never forget.


New member

I appreciate your analysis, and you make some interesting points. However, you seem to assume that the sum-total of the intelligence that exists on this subject is freely available to you on CNN. I have this funny feeling that any infomation that is being given to the media is being carefully screened and planted, especially knowing that the same Cheney/Powell team that so creatively "used" the media during the Gulf War is back together for this encore performance.

I dunno. I don't want to be naive here, but I'd bet the planners are a few steps ahead of us on this one. I hope I'm right.



New member
As Rich stated in his thread of a few days ago.....there seems to be too much evidence.

Hopefully we do not know what is going on. The only ones should know are the ones who are going to do the doing. Screw the press.



New member
Bin Laden has to go. It should have happened already for the other crap that he does admit to. He and his kind are finished. They just don't know it yet. Watch-Six


New member
From the President's comments, I think Bin Laden is but the first target. He said he was going to end terrorism, not take out one sociopath.

El Rojo

New member
I have a question. If the Israelies have not been able to wipe everyone out, how are we going to do it? If we go in and wipe everyone out, how is that different than the terrorists wiping us out? How do you occupy a huge area like southwest asia without oppression and dictatorial military rule? How are we going to convince the people of Arabia we are only there to help them and submit them to Christian rule?

You can't just go around wiping people out, that would make us in the wrong. It would also take forces we don't have and are not willing to commit.

That is why we should just nuke all of asia. :barf:


New member
I am just happy that we have President Bush, VP Cheney and Colin Powel running things. Think about having Gore and Albright...It almost happened. John :)


New member
OBL has to go, if for no other reason than that he is THE Poster Boy for the terrorists.

I have proposed one possible approach at TFL near the bottom of page 1.

If you were #2 and saw this happen to #1, how enthusiastic would YOU be about assuming the mantle?


It stinks!, and they know we know it stinks!, but, as long as the sheeple believe all the BULL!, it doesn't matter what we know.



New member
I agree with Longpath. Even if OBL is not the right guy this time, I will not lose any sleep if he meets his Allah at the hands of the U.S. No doubt he has earned his trip to hell already through prior activity (USS Cole, US embassies in Africa, who knows what else). And if the real perpetrator/network is still out there, my guess is that the road will eventually lead to them, too.