This election is about PAIN


New member
Al Gore wants to be President so bad he can taste it. It is up to you deny him this ultimate triumph, and make him pay for his attack on our rights. Only by voting for Bush can you make Al Gore suffer. A vote for any one else will be a wasted opportunity to ruin Al Gore's life. Remeber that oily smirk on Gore's face when it comes time to cast you vote, and if you want to see that for 4 (or 8) more years, or if you want to reduce him to a quivering mass of jello tormented by the thought of dissapointing his father.


New member
Same with Hillary for you NY'ers. The local press is going all out against Giuliani, some of the stuff they are spouting is absolutely hilarious and how anyone can believe them amazes me, but the people of the state are BUYING it, Hillary is now in the lead in the polls!

Gonna be a loooong summer!

Geoff Ross

One reason to vote in the next Presidential election.

It's the Supreme Court, Stupid!