This Day Is Held In Contempt

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Of Brian

For Conditions Unbecoming Of Load Development.




Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
I'm out here.... covered porch... but it blew the targets off the stand and for some reason the chrony wouldn't register even before the rain. :(

Now I'm sitting here watching the rain.


New member

Extremely good day for casting,... out of the rain, of course.

I have family in Harpersville. You anywhere close?


New member
I agree with wwwjd. Get a raincoat........and a pole. Times awasting and the fish are biting.:)

I'll be on Cumbres Pass in Southern Colorado this week end. Looking forward to a little rain, fishing, and getting out of this infernal 100 degree heat.


New member
Let me see if I can wrap my head around what is presented by the linked image...

It appears as if your plan for load development has been stunted by the weather. It also appears that load development, at your bench, offers a short jaunt up some stairs or down a hallway to a back door that leads to a place to shoot that you can get to on foot.

To put this more clearly, it certainly does appear that you can shoot where you live and that "load development" can happen within literal moments from a round's construction at your bench.

Is this at all accurate?

If so, might I suggest that you cease this pity party in honor of all of us who must pack up gear, drive many miles to arrive at a place where we can shoot, unload gear, set up, shoot, tear down, pack up, unload and haul in all that gear? :eek: :confused:

Hmmmm?! ;)

My load development is currently a 110-mile round trip. :eek:


New member
Long trip indeed! So sorry sir! You could always move to New Mexco. As long as you stay away from Albuquerque, your troubles will be over.:D

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Sevens said:
It appears as if your plan for load development has been stunted by the weather. It also appears that load development, at your bench, offers a short jaunt up some stairs or down a hallway to a back door that leads to a place to shoot that you can get to on foot.

To put this more clearly, it certainly does appear that you can shoot where you live and that "load development" can happen within literal moments from a round's construction at your bench.

Is this at all accurate?

Sadly, no. The photo is taken at my uncle's house, which is about 25 miles from me. No load development where I live. His place is about as close as it gets, except for a "real" range about 15 miles in the opposite direction.:( (No in-ground pool either.:D)

The good news is that I did get about 6 shots off and they grouped quite well for being 3 different charge weights, under an inch.
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