Third Video Of Chicago's Finest


New member
Heard on the news this morning there is another video of a Chicago police officer beating someone.
Phil Cline, the superintendent of the Chicago Police Department, resigned early a couple days ago, but will stay until a replacement has been chosen.

Chicago police officers have been seen screening Abbate, the officer who was seen beating that female bartender in that now international video, protecting him from the press.

Thanks Daley. You have banned guns in Chicago, where citizens need protection from violent crime. You said the police are there to protect them.

Who's going to protect them from the police?


New member
Just a question .. and I am not a police officer ... How many times have you wanted to beat the crap out of some dunderhead? A lot! Me, too. No, I never have, and it should not have to happen. While I understand the urge and do recognize it will blow off occasionally. I think [hope] it is the fringe folks that do this.


New member
The boys in blue in Chitown have always been a tough and notorously corrupt bunch. Daley ( the old man) brought this culture to his town and it has never really left. They give the cops in NY and Florida a run for their money.


New member
it involved anthony abbate's brother, terry. Anthony was the dude who beat up the female bartender. Heard from

Don't worry, though. It was cop-on-cop action. No unarmed non-LEO civilians were harmed this time.

Cline says he'll "retire early" from the scandal. Which is a load of BS, because he was supposed to retire anyway this year, and he's not really leaving because he's still looking for "a replacement."


New member
The people

Who they are to protect and serve. Officer Jack Mc Lamb with the Aid and Abet newsletter. The mob rules many of these police departments, and he tries to reprogram them to their original duty. To protect and serve .. the people not the govt.