Thinking of trading my Shield for a .45 acp.


New member
I own 3 handguns. A CZ 75bd Police, M&P Shield, and a Ruger LCP.

I bought the CZ as my first gun and its the gun I keep in my night stand to protect my home. To me its too big to carry. I then bought the shield because of its crazy popularity as a CCW. I've put about 400 hundred rounds through it and its been rock solid. What I found though was that I still wasn't really comfortable carrying it. Then a great deal on an LCP with crimson trace fell into my lap and I have to tell you I love the little gun. I shoot it way better than I ever imagined and I can carry it easily in my front pocket which feels a lot better than the shield in an iwb holster.

I had told myself I was going to stop purchasing guns. Now I'm kinda sitting here with a shield that's a nice gun but I don't envision using. Sure I guess you can never have too many guns. But I'm thinking that since I already have two 9mm and a .380 maybe I should get rid of the shield and get a .45 just to have a wider arsenal. I'll never get rid of the CZ. I love that gun to death.

So with that in mind, what should I look for. I'm thinking a Kahr pm45, maybe a glock of some type? Not a big 1911 fan but maybe my mind could change if something good came along.

What do you think?


New member
I bought my shield last Nov for Friday and Saturday nights out with my wife. All other days/nights my LCP is my baby (6 years now)

You could always go for another CZ with the CZ 97 if you want a full sized all metal 45. A G21 is also a nice option, along with a Ruger SR45 if you're budget oriented. Of course the P227 or P220 from sig are also great 45's. (I have the SR and P220)

If you're going for a CC sized gun and find the LCP better sized than the Shield you're probably hurting when it comes to 45's, they're all at least shield sized for the most part. If you reload you can tame them down a bit to make em' more fun to shoot. I really like the XDS, accurate and reliable and single stacked so it's as easy to conceal as the Sheild. Also take a look at the P220 carry....Ummmm Ummm.


New member
I guess it all depends on what you want to do with it. Will it be a range gun only, or something that you think you'll carry occasionally? A full size 1911 is tons of fun to shoot, but I would never want to carry one due to their size and weight. If you're looking to carry it, you'd probably be much happier with something like an XDS.


New member
The Glock 36 is my favorite 45acp. It's thin, it's light and is very reliable and accurate. Yes, it has more than its share of haters but I've owned two. One I carry nearly every day and one I foolishly traded away a few years back. Neither ever gave me any problems. 100% reliability.
You will sacrifice one round of capacity vs the typical 1911 platform but the lighter weight and ease of concealment make it a fair trade-off for me.



New member
I think selling guns is generally bad, but if you're going to do it, starting with why you don't need something you have, instead of why you need something you don't, is generally safer. If you don't use the Shield, get something you will. But take your time, you're in no hurry, make sure you're not in the same position in three months with the 45.


New member
These days, with all the choices in 9mm ammo, there's not really much to gain, if anything, by trading a 9mm for a .45.
The .45 ammo will cost quite a bit more, too.
There's lots of ways to go if you just want something else.
Revolvers, carbines, all kinds of things new and different.


New member
You guys all make valid points. Maybe I should think about going a different route and scoring something I've wanted for a long time but never justified it. An AK or AR or something along those lines.


New member
blackwaterstout said:
Not a big 1911 fan but maybe my mind could change if something good came along.

What do you think?

I think you shouldn't write off a 1911 so quickly.

I've owned a number of 45s over the years. They've all been fine pistols. But the best have all been Colt 1911s. If you haven't had the opportunity to handle and fore a 1911, you probably should before making up your mind. They're very popular for good reasons.

Big Shrek

New member
Trading guns almost never goes almost always loose.

I'd just buy something else outright or put it on layaway.
Buy a REAL gun safe, decent sized, and you'll always have a place to keep everything.

Get a Boondock Saints Il Duce vest w/ six holsters for that NY reload.
Never know when you might need it, hurricane or other disaster...
second part of that is have at least six pistols ;)


If you have a concealed carry license even a full sized 1911 is easy to conceal if you have a good leather OTB holster in my opinion. A lot of choices and it can range from $400 on up. Try to keep what you have and just add to the collection. You can never have enough guns.