Thinking of trading in the PPK for a Seecamp


New member
I live in mass where the options of semi-autos are very slim. The two smallest pistols that I can buy in Mass are the Seecamp .32 (380 not available yet in Mass) and the Walther PPK. Before I trade in the PPK and drop some cash towards the Seecamp is there any experience with the Seecamp people would like to share? I have shot one a few times and it worked flawlessly with gold dots.

Its funny how as the years go by my carry guns keep getting smaller and smaller in caliber and size. As my knowledge and respect for firearms increased I started to realize that all calibers are lethal, some make bigger holes, but none the less getting shot with anything is a major shock to your body and is going to do damage. Although according to my buddy a .32 will just bounce off a leather jacket.


New member
Your pockets will greatly appreciate the weight loss.;)
Before I trade in the PPK and drop some cash towards the Seecamp is there any experience with the Seecamp people would like to share?

That's a PPK/S pictured, but it gives a good relative size comparison. The Seecamp is effortless to carry. Mine has been very reliable. Once you are comfortable with it, the gun will deliver good accuracy just by pointing. Learn the idiosyncracies and handling of the gun and it will perform very well. Mostly I've always used Gold Dots and Silver Tip ammo. Fiocchi, Hyrashok are good also.

It seems to me a PPK and Seecamp should be about an even swap.



New member
By the way, the idea that a .32 will bounce off of a leather jacket is just silly. I've seen what a .32 can do enough times to know that it's a pretty decent round. German police used it as their primary sidearm round for a decent while.


New member
I have a couple of Seecamp LWS 32's, and Ive also had a couple of PPK's. The Seecamps are considerably smaller and lighter, but they are also more of a contact range type gun, where the Walters will let you shoot a little farther more accurately. The Seecamp is still no slouch, even at 10-15 yards with no sights.

I use mine as a back up thats always along, no matter what. I use a Smart Carry holster, and it just disappears and is so comfortable thats its pretty much forgotten its there. Well, at least until you have to take a leak. :)


New member
The more and more I think about it im leaning towards the seecamp, the PPK just doesn't really fill the niche I was looking for with pocket carry.

If you have a PPK that functions all the time treasure it!!

I gota say I know a few people who have picked up one of the newer Smith & Wesson PPK's in the past 2 years and not one of them has complained about there's giving them problems. Mine was bought this year also and has only 350 rounds or so through it but hasn't had one jam yet. Trigger is awful heavy though.


New member
I have a S&W PPK/S that has been absolutely flawless. It's actually one of the best guns I've owned EVER. Very reliable, very fun to shoot, no slide bite, no hammer bite, stays oily for ages, comfortable to carry and hold, and in my opinion better looking than older PPK models. There was a recall on earlier models from S&W, newer ones have been great.


New member
As far as aesthetics are concerned, the Seecamp pictured should be called a Lady Seecamp, aka "purse gun" or "girly man", et al.. Now as far as performance, I've never had a hiccup with a PPK. You hear a lot of good things about Seecamp, but it's not for everyone. I've never been fond of miniaturization of any firearm. Tolerances almost need to be perfect for optimum performance...All of the above is IMHO, so don't get your "drawers" in an uproar....:)


New member
One will never trully appreciate the genius of L.W. Seecamp unless or until you've had the privilege of owning, carrying and firing a LWS32 and/or a LWS380.

The Rohrbaugh R9 is another little jewel..
