Thinking of going turret but...


New member
I'm thinking of going with the Lee classic turret press and was wondering if there is any reason I can't mount my uniflow measure on it with a case activating die. Any suggestions would be great.


New member
I have both setups, rifle dies with a Uniflow and case activation and pistol dies with Lee Autodisc.
Both are very satisfactory setups. The Lee classic turret is my go to press for moderate quantities of ammunition.

However when using this press I FLS and prime as separate steps.


New member
I always deprime and clean first also. I just want to know if I can use my uniflow/case activating die in the classic turret press.


New member
As I mentioned earlier, I have just that setup on a Classic Turret press. No reason it can't work in any standard 7/8 based press.

The only thing to watch is case length. Mine works for OK for 30.06 for powder charging will hang up after loading the projectile.

There is a limit to the overall length of a cartridge before the Lee press will bind on auto indexing. Usually that limit is not reached without having a bullet in the case though.


New member
You don't need the Lee rifle charging adapter if you are using the Uniflow with the RCBS case activator. The Lee adapter works with the Lee Autodisc.