Thinking of Becoming a Trainer


New member
Not for the money, just to help folks out up here in not-so-gun-friendly RI. Also, a CWP (which I have, but had to do a real song and dance routine to get) is a rarity in my state. Thought it might also help at renewal time when the next anti-gun A.G. takes office.
Any thoughts? Is it just a PITA, or does the satisfaction overcome the trouble?


New member
firearms instructing

I'd check out the NRA website and find the location of an instructor-trainer in your area.

You can figure out which disciplines you might like to instruct.

NRA also has a program where instructors can purchase liability insurance through them. Or, if you teach under the auspices of a local sportsman's club, make sure that your activities are covered by their liability insurance policy.


New member
Thanks, jeff,
It's not how to do it, I've got that covered. I was just wondering if those who've done this find it rewarding. Like I said, not for the money, but for that warm fuzzy feeling thay we gun owners aren't supposed to get because people think we don't have a heart.:D

Rob Pincus

New member
To answer your question: Yes.

If you're going to do it, for the sake of your students, either get Instructor Development training and work with someone in the business (private sector working with civilians, given your stated interests) in an "apprentice" type role before hanging up your shingle.



New member
Just do it

You will be very happy to help others with their skills improvement. It is very rewarding. No making money is not the reward but if you can still afford to buy ammo at the end of the day then all the better. I teach full time and have for several years. If you really want to give to the community try teaching Hunter Safety for your state. This is where the rubber meets the road. Bringing our youth in to the Hunting tradition is the real deal. We owe our very countrys foundation to our forefathers and they were hunters not out of sport but out of necessity. So take the challenge of training children proper firearms handling and find the greatest rewards.


New member
In 23+ years, I've never regretted it. The only thing I can say is do it if it is a passion. Not because you think it is something you should do. Otherwise it will be a PITA.


New member
Lurper, that's what it is, a passion. I really want to help people out. That's why I've been a teacher all these years. I just wanted to hear from others in case there was a lot of BS that would ruin the enjoyment.