Thinking of a new gun


New member
So I am thinking of a new gun and have the option of a 40 or 45. The gun will be primarily a CCW gun, but when I archery hunt in the fall I will carry it as well. I am thinking I will get a XD or XDm not sure yet, may even get a glock. but the sub compacts do not fit my had well. My main concern while caring in the woods is wolves, it is rummered that we have a few in Idaho:barf: And I have had an experience that makes me very concerned about them. And there is the possibility that I will encounter an occasional bear but I do not worry to much about them, from what I have seen with the bear encounters I have had they are just as eager to get away from you as most are to get away from them. So any way wolves and sucky people are my primary concern with this gun.


S&W .357 Mag revolvers have an awesome selection in sizes, and you can run .38s for target.

I know, that's not 40/45, or XD, but...?


New member
I want the polymer pistol for the light weight and larger volume of rounds. what I mainly need to know since I am not a pistol guru is, does the 40 pack enough punch for what I want or does the 45? Is there a big difference in the two? Would either one knock a wolf of its feet?


New member
Get the 10mm Glock 20SF and you can get a .40S&W conversion barrel for it.

Use the 10mm for your jaunts in the woods, and .40S&W at the range.


The gun will be primarily a CCW gun

If thats your primary reason to carry, and animals are your concern..then look at the Glock 29

as far as weight....45 XD with a FULL mag weighs close to the Glock's EMPTY weight. Power and lightweight goes to the Glock. Or if u want a small .45 for a ccw, look at the 38 or 39...the GAP is an awesome round. Or if u want a bigger frame, look at the 30, 30sf or 36 Glock ACP. Me personally, I'd go 10mm or GAP.


New member
I'd buy a Sig P229 in 40 Smith. Then buy a .357 Sig barrel. I'd say the added velocity of the .357 would probably pierce the hide of a bear. 40 Smith would do on a wolf I'd presume. With this you'll get your increased capacity and some pretty good stopping power. Still a bit heavy though.


New member
Thinking of a New Gun

If you want something to carry that is one gun. Something to stop a predatory animal, thats another gun. For the later a revolver is your best option, minimun of a .375 as mentioned. The other is the old stand by a 41, or 44mag, if you reload, you can down load for practice. The other would be a 460SW, you can shoot 45LC to practice.

Do you want to risk not being able to stop that predatory animal.




Ok Ok, BURN! Yeah I got it backwards...sorry! The Compact XD .45 EMPTY is close in weight to the Glock 29 10mm when FULL! Too many vodka and sprites.:D


New member
I also recommend the Glock 29 & a quality aftermarket barrel also in 10mm so you get the benefit of having a fully supported chamber. Then choose a loading from Doubletap Ammo and feel confident/safe that you have both firepower and punch in a very reliable and proven weapon. You can always buy a 40 barrel for it for more economical range/target use later. It's a very versitile platform.


New member
I think I am going to have to look into the G20SF I think I like the idea of the 10mm better. While I think I am more likely to have a wolf run in I think it would be foolish to not plan for it. It looks like it will be lighter than the 40 or 45 XD and give me more rounds to boot.

Does any one know how it would compare to shooting a 44 mag as far as recoil. I did not mind shooting my 44 but it had an 8" barrel so I felt the extra weight helped with the recoil just a little.

M. Riggs

New member
CPO SIG P229Rs can be had for about $550 in either .357SIG or .40 S&W. My 229 in .357 is about as accurate as my uncle's Gold Cup, at least in my hands. :D

That being said, for a CCW piece that thing is a brick. If you're worried about wolves, I'd just try and find a 4" Model 29 .44 Magnum or a Ruger Super Red Hawk.

If you need to carry and want a woods gun, Glock 20/29 in 10mm or a Glock 32 in .357SIG would be a good compromise. I guess it all depends on how often you really plan on carrying it around, versus a woods gun. I prefer metal guns but lugging one around all day unless it is your Duty weapon (i.e., you have a badge and stand a good chance of using it), plastic pieces are hard to beat for the occasional carry-guy.


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The 10mm loadings usually range somewhere between .357mag and .41mag, but some are as light as .40sw.

Good luck concealing a G20 though. I'd personally go with a G29 with G20 magazines for backup magazines. Though if you're really concerned with recoil the reduced purchase you get on a G29 grip might be an issue.

I'd feel comfortable with a .40 or .357SIG against wolves and even black bears, but definitely not brown bears. With Glocks, the .40sw and .357SIG barrels are spot-on interchangeable. Only differences between the two are the bores of the barrels and the followers in the magazines, though you can use either magazine for either cartridge as long as you don't accidentally load the wrong cartridge in the wrong barrel.


New member
Since you are thinking of a 45 I should advise a 45 rather 357 or something else. I say, if you can find an HK USP 45 Tactical Compact that will be great.


New member
Well I was in the range today and I fondled some more guns and I keep going back to the XD and the XDM so far I think I am sold on the XDM it just fit my hand better than any of the others. The G20 they had was really big in my hands and they had another model in the SF and it was still bigger in my hands than I wanted. I still have plenty of time to look around since I can't buy untill my extra truck sells.

A friend let me shoot a hand gun that he had, it took a small caliber rifle round, I think it was the xm 57 or some thing like that any way it was a blast to shoot and held the target really well. I think he said it was similar to 17 HMR round. Very fun gun and would do a number on most small critters and probably some larger ones as well.

Just saw on another thread it is a 5.7X28, very fun gun to shoot.
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New member
Thinking of a New Gun

I have an HK USP 45 Tactical Combat, great gun to shoot. At 10 yards I can put 2 clips, all in the center ring. In no way would I take as a carry weapon in the woods. Since I no longer hunt I sold my last revolver, an 8 3/8 model 57 S&W. Previously, I have had several .375 and a 44 all mags all S&W, and seen what kind of damage they can do. And no way does a 45acp even come close, no matter how hot the load they will not with stand that kind of pressure.

You can find a used revolver resonably, and then there are so may autos to chose from you can have a field day. Might even look at 1911, there is a reson they have been around for so long. Even my HK copies the 1911, look at the controls.