Thinking about trading


New member
No, this is not a for sale or trade ad, so please don't move me! ;)

Anyway, I have a 2 1/8 inch barrel S&W Model 60 in .357, and a S&W Model 342ti in .38 (that's the titanium one). I believe that both will be obsolete within a year because of the new Scandium guns coming out. I'm considering trading both of them in on other guns, and eventually purchasing a Scandium. I'd like to do it that way, because I think the Titanium prices will plummet as soon as the Scandium comes out (although the Airweight prices were not really affected by the Titanium).

Options are a Stainless Colt Gold Cup, a Kel Tec P32, a S&W 686 with a 4 inch barrel, and a Glock 27. While you should feel free to suggest others, I do have plenty of other guns, and have mentioned these merely to round out my collection.

Finally, what kind of prices should I be looking for for my guns; both are in excellent condition (the 60 has had the 3 finger boot grip replaced with a stock J-frame 2 finger grip).


New member
Those are a practical pair for CCW

particulary given the sticky weather there on the Gulf Coast.:) You can carry the stainless M60 IWB, with the Ti as a BUG in the pocket.

I just can't see forking out substantially more $, to save some miniscule weight on the new Sc guns. Your M60 IS controllable with the lighter bullet weights in .357. Now, if you eliminate 1/2 the recoil-absorbing WEIGHT, that's just too punishing, IMHO.

Please, reconsider.:)
Victor makes sense...i've been loking to replace my 20 year old model 60 (20 oz) with something friend has a 342 and i was all set to get one till i shot i'm looking at the 442 or 642...still light but at least a shooter...i don't see a need for a 357 in a snub....follow up shots would be very hard...


New member
I think you will regret trading for something you think you want, not for something you need.

I traded a 4516 for a P229 because I thought I needed the P229. I wasn't happy with the P229 and I miss that 4516 to this day.

Just keep saving your pennies and keep all your guns.

Blue Duck357

New member
I learned never to sell a functional handgun, it's just never worked out for me. This is not even considering the current political climate. You may wake up tommrow morning and find out your local AG has banned all new handguns overnight on some obscure clause without even a single vote being cast, then whats the few hundred dollars you got for your Smith gonna get you?

Selling a handgun now is like selling Microsoft stock in 1984.


New member
Obsolete seems a little harsh. How about: Not useful to you??

To me:Obsolete means either the gun is wore out or you can't find ammo for it.